prob & stats

May 9, 2011

weekend by the numbers
✭ 3 consults
✭ 27 pages
✭ 1 trip to the hospital [to round]
✭ 5.5 miles run
✭ $130 spent on groceries at whole foods [OUCH!]
✭ 4 loads of laundry washed + folded
✭ 0 meals out [at least we’re using the groceries]
✭ 180 blog posts read [or at least scrolled through] on my reader
✭ 112 pages read of this won’t hurt a bit
✭ 4 hours of TV watched [glee x 2 + grey’s x 2!]

i honestly sort of hate this show but i cannot stop watching.
that about covers it. it wasn’t the most glamorous of weekends, but it IS my last call weekend for quite some time! after basically spending the last 48 hours hermit style [well, internet/phone-connected hermit-style, anyway] i am ready to bring some weekend adventures back into my life.

mom + me
can i just say how much i LOVED seeing old pictures of friends with their mothers all over the place yesterday? definitely a facebook-fueled tradition, but i think it’s a keeper! while i’m late on the bandwagon and don’t have a super-cute old picture [note to self: scan some when at parents’ house next month!], here’s a flashback to a mere 9 years ago:

mom, me [in gown], and my sister at williams graduation: may, 2002
wonder what that me would have thought of this post!



workout: nada. i accidentally missed the window of opportunity to hit my gym and decided to just take it easy and watch another grey’s instead.

dinner is SERVED

CL’s roasted shrimp + broccoli with garlic-butter corn
josh asked why the corn was so good — yes, it was fresh and it was local, but the answer was BUTTER. obviously!

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