fall associations

October 2, 2011

i can’t hold back
i know that 80-degree weather will re-emerge and the leaves will be staying on the trees for a few more weeks [+] around here. but it’s so crisp outside and the calendar says october and i just can’t help myself! i want to do EVERYTHING fall, from pumpkin-carving to PSL-drinking to pumpkin-pie-eating to taking a ride in a pumpkin boat [what? doesn’t that sound fun?].

so awesome! source
in addition to pumpkins, i also associate fall with running. specifically, training for + running long races in the brisk morning air. flash back to less than 1 year ago: my very last race before i finally decided that for me, long runs + ovulation were never going to be friends. go back 2 years, and i was gleefully anticipating multiple long runs in training for the thunder road marathon.

2 years, 10+ lbs, and 1 fetus ago . . .
not going to lie: i miss it. i miss feeling fast. i miss training plans. i miss having to buy new shoes every few months. i miss listening to this american life in its entirety on my long runs, and then having at least an hour to go. i miss obsessive running chat with my running partners [especially siobhan!]. i miss brunches that tasted SO good because of the miles that preceded them.

the very famous + equally pricey bob
the good news? I know i will be back to it someday! either with a running stroller [although josh is very against these as he thinks they are unsafe: can anyone help my case??] or a willing father ready for some one-on-one bonding time while mommy blows off some steam on the roads. it won’t be exactly the same [i realize that nothing will be!] but i wouldn’t call it a compromise, either.

i’m already excited. but for now, i’ll just embrace my little 3-milers and pretend they feel just like 10 used to.

and i will take comfort in the fact that i already know that this trade-off is 100% worth it.

sunday supreme
so with that, i’m off to round, go running + to bake that apple pie. [YES. FOR REAL!!!] happy FALL!

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