january recap / february goal

February 1, 2012

well, for better or for worse: i survived january.

i love the fresh start of 1.1., but this past month was filled with challenges — from josh’s fracture to my OB admission to the glucola fail to one painfully busy call week.

i am ready for a calm february — filled with nesting and relaxation [and hopefully devoid of hospital admissions!]. of course, the aftermath of josh’s injury will make things a little dicier, but i will take things one day at a time and absolutely will be leaning on the wonderful friends + family who have already stepped in, eager to help out.

before i officially acknowledge the new month, i wanted to review the outcome of january’s goal to reduce internet time.

the verdict?

i’m not sure how i did! because after week #1, i sort of forgot to keep track. however, taking a more holistic look back, i think i succeeded at this goal. in part, this has been because SO MUCH has happened that i just haven’t had the time or desire to spend time on the internet!

i still spend ~30 minutes in the morning reading my favorite blogs [mostly baby/newborn themed these days!], but lately that has been it for the day. i am on page 550 of 1Q84 and i think i have been at least a bit more productive in the evenings. despite the inability to proclaim a hard-line success, i am happy with the way things went, and i plan on continuing to moderate my online consumption as the year goes on.

i’m back in the lab this month, and will spend only 3 days/nights on call out of the next 28, which sounds like an excellent arrangement for my current situation.

while clearly work will not be my only focus for this busy month, i still think this is a workable goal. essentially, i want to focus on work while i’m at work. since i am back in the lab, i plan on creating a daily to-do list. i want to focus on each task [just one!] while i’m doing it, and i will leave when i am done. if i am in a required conference, i will take notes and try to get the most out of that time. if i am working on analyzing data, i will not stop to check my email every 10 minutes.

sounds simple . . . but i know from experience that it’s not! but i think it is important, especially now. i believe that cultivating efficiency and maximizing my effort while in the lab will serve me well when i have a baby at day care that i am dying to pick up at the end of the day.

off to the races
or at least the gym. i made my triumphant return yesterday with a 40-minute run/walk and feel a million times better already!

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