a little sick

July 4, 2012

yeah, both of us.

the good news is that a little sick is much better than . . . a lot sick.  a. still had enough energy to play with the little upgrade i gave to her bouncer this morning, but as you might glean from her slightly pitiful expression here, she’s not in top form.  she is currently a stuffed-up sneezing and coughing machine — and so am i. it would be easy to blame day care, but i think josh actually gave this lovely little gift to the two ladies in his life.

[next time babe — think jewelry!  or accessories.]

so far, no fevers for either of us — thank goodness for small favors.  she is currently enjoying a marathon nap, which i am hoping is her immune system’s attempt at beating down this bug.

here’s to hoping this is a very short-lived experience and that we’re both in top shape [or at least passable shape . . .] by tomorrow!

mildly interesting fact:
i typically get sick every 3-4 months or so.  yeah, even with my deluxe antibody collection from residency, i’m a viral magnet.  josh doesn’t typically get any of my maladies, either.  pregnancy is associated with weakened immunity, so i figured i was toast — but i was completely healthy for those 9 months and up until now.  and i still saw patients and worked in the hospital and clinics during that period.  odd but i’m not complaining!

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