things to be thankful for: weekend call edition
back in residency (an entire 4.5 months ago! but i swear it seems like longer . . .), i remember thinking about great my fellowship schedule was going to be. the other two older and wiser endocrine fellows warned me that while things are much easier on this side, i would quickly lose that perspective and call would seem onerous again. even call from home.
but. BUT! i am determined to get over it. furthermore, i have a secret weapon to help me maintain the perspective that is SO easy to lose: it’s my archives! i can reread my own words to recall vividly just how bad things used to be.
and just in case i need even MORE convincing, a list never hurts . . .
top 5 reasons home/weekend call is really not that bad
✰ i am sitting from the comfort of my kitchen writing this right now!
✰ i can use time on call to get almost anything done that i would want to do otherwise.
✰ on the weekends, i can always take naps and make up sleep during the day
✰ answering middle of the night pages is good practice for someday responding to a crying newborn
✰ i really do have enough time to do the things i want to do.
there. now, that’s better. looking back, it also seems that i have gotten more positive over the years. perhaps it’s just because i am way happier doing a job that really fits me. or maybe i’m just better rested.
i guess those are things to be thankful for, too! what are you thankful for this morning? share; it will make you feel good!
giveaway reminder: you have 3 days left to put your entry into the planner giveaway pot! this morning, i had fun going through a bunch of comments and checking out many of your sites. so many good ones out there!
workout: 5 miles @ 9:13/mi, 0.5% incline on the treadmill while reading runner’s world (nov. issue – i’m behind!).
comfort meal:
admittedly, this just represents round one of two
this particular take-out order from the loop makes me feel warm and fuzzy just thinking about it. we don’t get it TOO often, but when we do i like when josh brings it home on his way from work. the portobello mushroom pizza is rich and salty with delicious pancetta sprinkled on top, and the gorgonzola walnut salad is a delicious (and somewhat healthy) complement.
NRSA report: abstract, biosketch, narrative, RCR, specific aims, research experience sections — all done! still left: editing draft of research plan, reason for selection of sponsor, statement on career goals, activities planned by time, and the dreaded vertebrate animals supplement. i am on track as of now, though i am a little bit terrified that after a meeting next week my research plan will need serious revamping. they do NOT make this easy!