August 4, 2014

This weekend was . . . well.  I think that about says it all.  I didn’t do enough planning.  Josh was at work for 99% of it (including late Saturday night) and I was alone.  A & C were actually very good.  They are amazing, wonderful children, and one of them (A) even naps like a champ.  But I was lonely and antsy and felt scattered and really, just BLAHHHHH (as in the heading above).

Lessons learned:

* If Josh is on call I have to have something social planned for each day.  End of story.

* I will be really grateful to have a little bit of babysitting help back on Sunday afternoons on these kinds of weekends.


* I know I sound like a broken record about this, but I am so, so tired of feeling frumpy and out of shape.  I didn’t shower today and wore running shorts and I think that I felt extra down — as superficial as it may be — because I didn’t bother to wear real clothes.   I think I need to a) really and truly start eating better and b) start doing a little bit more for workouts because I just really REALLY miss feeling like myself.  Maybe a perfect martyr-mom wouldn’t care because yes, they are only babies once.  But I do.

* I joined Instagram.  Because obviously I need another online distraction.

* C is refusing to go to sleep because his one effective swaddle is in the laundry (I didn’t realize it had gotten ummm, soiled) and I think I just got a mosquito bite while sitting on the couch.  Just #*$&@(.  And I’m on call next week.  Yes, this might be the whiniest post ever.  I apologize.

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