23 minutes [tidbits]

November 18, 2014

I want to write nicely edited, fleshed-out posts.  But those are impossible to write in the tiny block of time I have pre-run in the morning, and I’m never in much of a writing mood at night.

I think I may start writing parts of posts instead of always rushing to publish immediately.  I do like the instant gratification of brain dump ->>> post, though.


1.  Cameron decided he was done with nursing last week.  I was initially sad, but now I’m okay.  He got 6 months of all breast milk and another ~3 months of nursing (he’ll be 9 months on Thursday).  He loves his bottles and admittedly so do I — so convenient and absolutely no pressure.  (I can always make more!).  I will miss nursing because there were some sweet and peaceful moments, but it also feels nice to be done.
This is my new favorite pic ever
2.  I went to my first barre class at flybarre two Saturdays ago.  LOVE.  The moves were similar to the barre3 workouts that I do online, but the intensity was much much higher.  I held my own until the last abs segment and I absolutely could not keep up with that — but I have hopes that with time I will improve.  I’d love to go a couple of times per month.
3.  I had a wonderful weekend with both kids, despite Josh being on call.  I feel like I’ve said this before, but I finally (finally?) feel like I’m settling into life here AND the whole mom-of-two gig.  Both kids were great, and I’m learning to choose my battles (A wants to wear a cotton-candy pink party dress to the playground?  FINE) and just relax and enjoy.
Annabel holding her own in swim class!
4.  I noted previously that while eating paleo I had much less itching of mosquito bites.  Well, now I have completed an n = 1 crossover trial and I really think this is a true finding!  I got bitten up like crazy over the weekend (lots of time outside) and have had no itching, whereas normally I’m up all night miserably reapplying prescription-strength steroid creams.  I am fascinated by this and wonder whether it’s the gluten, dairy, or ????
5.  Leo Babauta launched a kickstarter campaign to back his new book.  I feel like I have benefitted greatly from his writing over the years, so I contributed.  This was my first kickstarter backing of anyone, but I think the idea is a great one!
6.  Running went well last week — 
M: Rest
T: 4.27 miles, 9:03/mi average
W: 4.24 miles, 9:07/mi average
T: Barre3 (30 minute rejuvenate workout)
F: 5.37 miles, 9:39/mi average
S: Rest 
S: 8 miles (I hired a babysitter just for this run!), 9:32/mi
Total = 21.8 miles + 1 barre workout
7.  Speaking of running, I’m off!  It’s 5:28 am — so this post took exactly 23 minutes to write and publish. My new target time to get home is 6:15am so mornings are tight, but those endorphins last all day.  WORTH IT.

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