Both Josh and I are off this weekend. In theory, this is the case 47% of the time, but it often feels less frequent. This is partly the tendency to focus on the strenuous/difficult, and conveniently forget the easier times. But it’s also because there are weekends that are taken up by conferences/travel too (for each of us), so it’s probably more like 40%.
Tomorrow, we have two birthday parties (11-1 and then 3-5). It will definitely a full-on jam packed family day.
But today we’re doing a bit of split parenting: I went to barre at 9:30, and also got to sleep in (ahhhhhh); Josh is on a designated (by me) work shift from 12p – 6p. He’ll be at his office catching up on documentation/paperwork, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he sneaks in a nap, too.
It has taken us quite some time to resolve the conflicts that arise when Josh feels like he has to do extra work on the weekends and I am just soooo ready not to be solo parenting. But this setup seems to work: a clearly designated chunk of time that is HIS, and some time for me too. The sad part (for him!) is that I wish he got some free time not dedicated to work. But I can only control my situation, right?
Okay, back to Annabel time!
(C is asleep . . . but probably not for long since he didn’t eat lunch first! Agh.)
mother of 3 // MD // south floridian // ESFJ // upholder.
into: planners, great food, running, reading, writing, mornings, podcasting, and coffee.
You’re generous to give 12-6 if you’ve been solo parenting during the week 🙂
One thing we’re dealing with now is that with 4 kids, it’s very hard to to switch off on weekends and give each parent solo time, because 4 is just a lot to wrangle. My husband has been taking the older 3 to their swim lessons on Saturday mornings, so I’m home for 2.5 hours with the baby, which could be me time except taking care of a 2 month old isn’t exactly a predictable enterprise allowing for relaxation. I’ll get on the treadmill and run in 8 minute spurts until he fusses. Oh well — things will get better eventually.
We should be giving time to our family and I have come to learn about it through this post. It was really good see that you have been doing a good job while taking care of your kids.