
G is 2!

December 11, 2019
G = Genevieve, but we call her Viva 99% of the time

Genevieve turns 2 today!! She arrived 2 days after her due date (birth story), just like her older sister. She is a very verbal, happy, sweet child and also has a lot of energy (rocks it at the playground or MyGym!). She has changed so much in the past year, which means our lives have, too. In August, our nursing relationship ended (she was 20 months), and by the fall she was speaking in full sentences and therefore opening up a whole realm of communication.

I am very happy with all of these developments. I love tiny babies, but dislike the 12-20 month phase in particular. G is a relatively ‘old’ 2 due to her language skills, though she doesn’t get ‘if/then’ logic yet. Maybe at 3 ๐Ÿ™‚

She currently has a pretty high fever (flu is going around here already, though we were all vaccinated) and thus will be celebrating her birthday at home doing . . . not much. Her party is this Saturday – a low-key affair at our house. I just hope she has recovered by then!

Her favorite things:

Reading books together (really any books, but interestingly unlike her sibs she seems to crave novelty and always wants new ones that she hasn’t read!)

Watching Pinkalicious or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. (Pinkalicious is on PBS kids or amazon and it’s actually quite a sweet and nicely paced show. Recommend.)


Daddy. I mean she’ll accept Mommy but if he’s around . . .

Waking up the big kids in the morning (esp Cameron).

Singing (let it gooooo).

Baby Shark.

living her best life @ Panera

Yogurt smoothies (the little Stoneyfield ones), fruit pouches, milk, cookies. The cheese from the top of the pizza or the cream cheese off of the top of the bagel. She is my pickiest toddler eater of the 3 by far. I hope she grows out of it.

Dancing (esp in A’s old leotard).

Taking walks outside. Swings & slides. Sand.


Being included in anything the big kids are doing.

focus & concentration!

My favorite things about G:

The things she says. I remember Annabel speaking early so maybe they were comparable, but G amazes me. (C was much slower to acquire language but got there eventually!). I need to do a better job keeping track.

The way she will sit in my lap for seemingly infinite amounts of time as long as I’m reading to her

Her solid naps (for now anyway) and reasonable overnight sleeping (around 7:30 – 6:30 most nights)

Her dimple (esp on the right) & her smiles

dimples on display with grandpa!


  • Reply Andrea December 11, 2019 at 7:22 am

    Happy birthday G! What a gorgeous little lady – that hair especially!! Hope she feels better.

  • Reply Tamara Cohen December 11, 2019 at 8:30 am

    I CANNOT believe she is two… I have been following you since there was just Annabel and I remember when you had G… two years have flown. Happy Birthday G!

  • Reply Beth @ Parent Lightly December 11, 2019 at 9:55 am

    Yay, happy birthday G! The 12-20 months phase is my least favorite as well. They have opinions but can’t communicate. So tough!

  • Reply Sue December 11, 2019 at 10:11 am

    Happy birthday G! Her name is still one of my favorites. Iโ€™ve been reading since long before Annabel and my heart is happy for your beautiful family of five. My 17 month old is much less verbal than his brothers were which can be frustrating- Iโ€™m just thankful that heโ€™s also a relatively easy personality!

  • Reply Lisa of Lisa's Yarns December 11, 2019 at 10:12 am

    Happy birthday to Viva (love her name but really love the shortened version – seems to fit her personality!). Our little guy is 21 months so just a bit behind her. I do really enjoy this stage, especially now that our son is communicating more and understands more. He also does not understand ‘if/then’ or the concept of ‘or’ – he just says “yes” when I give him 2 options. *shrugs shoulders* He’s started to form 2-3 word sentences so it’s quite where Viva is, but it’s fun to see them connect words. I kind of wish our son was into different books. He wants to read the same ones over and over, sometimes 3 times in a row. He’d probably read some books 10+ times in a row but we say ‘all done’ after reading something 3 times. Ha.

    I hope she feels better soon so she can fully enjoy her birthday party! Our son has strep right now so we are also dealing with sickness. ๐Ÿ™

  • Reply omdg December 11, 2019 at 5:49 pm

    Happy Birthday G!! I hope she feels better soon!

    PS — Love the curls!

  • Reply Ana December 12, 2019 at 12:48 pm

    Oh she is precious! I hope she’s better by her birthday!

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