
January 26, 2005

i don’t want to be mean. i don’t want to be overly judgmental. so let me start off by stating that i really think that the postdoc that i’m working under for my new lab rotation is very well-meaning. however, i’ve got a slightly uneasy feeling about what may be happening in the weeks to come.

today was going swimmingly until this very worrisome phrase came out of her mouth, just as i was leaving. we had been making plans (copious, detailed plans) for doing experiments and learning techniques for the rest of the week. but then she said it, and it echoed and bounced around my auditory canals for about 20 minutes. it was:

“good job. i don’t think i’ll have you write anything in your notebook today, i think it will be easier for you to do tomorrow. i suppose you’re done for the day.”


i mean, it’s fine to teach, and i’m glad she’s taking an interest in my rotation project and all. but micromanagement like this will soon get old and extremely painful. it automatically made me think back to all the times i realized that some resident who was in charge of me was not going to fun to work with, but that there was abso-freaking-lutely nothing i could do about it.

maybe i’m overreacting (ok, probably.). but it’s not me, right? i think i’m generally really easy to work with, yet i find it really hard to work with some other people. so perhaps part of the problem is internal. or perhaps a large number of people working in research and/or medicine are either a) evil or b) completely devoid of people skills.

here’s to the next 8-10 weeks . . .

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off to teach my very first kaplan class!


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