Guest post

March 7, 2009

This is Joshua, Sarah’s husband. Sarah asked me to write a guest post as she is in Savannah doing something for work. I am home alone tonight, but that is OK because I am on home call, so someone at the hospital may call for my advice, for whatever that is worth… Anyway, Sarah is in the hotel but having trouble with the Internet connection and asked me to blog for her. She says her ears are still hurting but she didn’t have any major issues despite flying to GA. I thought she might try Lady and Sons restaurant which my cousing Seth, his wife Alli, and I discovered by accident one trip many years ago. Anyone else out there know any restaurants to try in Savannah? Besides Forrest Gump Shrimp Factory? Let us know.

In other news, there was no workout yesterday for Sarah. She didn’t make any dinner tonight. I think she did a lot of academic stuff today so that’s a plus.

Look for a glowing report from Sarah tomorrow.


  • Reply Kath March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    hi Josh!!

  • Reply Anonymous March 10, 2019 at 7:28 pm

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    Sorry for offtopic

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