an eventful night

June 4, 2009

last night
had some sucky moments, in that 4 admissions rolled in after 2 AM, leaving me très fatiguée today. on the other hand, there was some seriously exciting good news, in that the lovely and fabulous siobhan gave birth to this beautiful strapping young lad, ciaran. CONGRATULATIONS S+J!

i would post a picture, but i don’t want to be all paparazzi-like. maybe they already have an exclusive deal with US weekly or something. anyway, getting the happy news made my night a lot better. perspective, you know?

a happy birthday shout out to commenter ‘da’, who happens to be my father, and an all-around awesome person. now june 2, 3, and 4th will all have entries in my calendar!

on a much lesser note
in other news, i got a dress that i ordered from anthropologie on super-sale the other day post-call (it was by velvet and cost a mere $30). in person, it is even more shapeless than i imagined, but i thought it might work cinched up. thoughts? ignore the wrinkliness, as that can be fixed. as well as the bathroom backdrop. it’s our only mirror!

ps: josh i know you are probably going to hate it!

and finally
look what came for me in the mail today! it’s my first unsolicited blog-related freebie, which sort of warms my heart a little, i have to admit. josh and i will do an official taste test, after which i will put this stuff to work: i’m seeing some seriously delicious cocktails in my future.

and i’m off
to see the decemberists with my sister! it does happen to be a disgusting night out for a drive to raleigh. if i don’t get chewed up and spit out by a tornado or swept away in a flash flood, it should be a fun night.



workout: 5 miles on the TM, 0.5% incline
1 @ 9:13/mi
2.5 @ 8:20/mi
0.5 @ 9:13/mi
0.5 @ 8:20/mi
0.5 @ 9:13/mi
yes, i was dying in there. i don’t know what my problem is lately!

reading: all about acute chest syndrome in sickle cell while on call.

flossing: no. i didn’t even brush until i got home . . . (yes i know = disgusting.)


  • Reply HangryPants March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    I think it works cinched.

  • Reply da March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    Thanks for the shout-out, Sarah! I must say I&#39ve never thought of myself as awesome. I think you&#39re more than a bit biased on that score:)
    L, da
    P.S. Attila, I was wondering the same thing–how DO you pronounce Ciaran?

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