it seems like nearly everyone is going through big transitions lately! LOTS of moves, new babies, new engagements, new jobs. it’s almost enough to make my switch from residency –> fellowship pale by comparison.
but i was just thinking about this . . . really, it shouldn’t! this change is going to represent a huge change in what i do all day, my overall lifestyle, and how i think about my job. i’m going to go from being in a big peer group (a ‘class’ of sorts) to being pretty much on my own most of the time (this part saddens me). just to start is going to be very exciting, and very different.
reflecting back on residency, while i did my best to take care of the patients as best i could, i wasn’t always as focused as i could have been. don’t get me wrong — i definitely learned a great deal and i think that i grew as a person. but there were certain things that i didn’t bother to dwell on mastering (for example, congenital heart physiology or traumas) because i knew i would never be directly applying those things on my own.
anyway, i don’t really have a point to this section, except that i am really excited to be entering this new phase of my career (life?), and i think the transition deserves attention even if it does seem low key (same computer log-ins . . . parking . . . and a very similar paycheck!). that last part is a bit of a shame, because:
fashion friday: anthro you are killing me
there are a BUNCH of new items out for july at my fave store. but 2 stood out from the bunch to me:
Thanks for the link – I LOVE that girl's style! Sigh. I cant wait to not be a poor a med student! Residency to fellowship is a huge step and an amazing accomplishment. A long way off for me but for now I get to live vicariously through you and your excitement!
envy the dinner and the dance