life Work

DITL #6/7: Monday

April 30, 2024

4:30 Up, coffee/collagen/vitamins/grahams/water, quick BLP show notes post (I copy + paste from what I had already written for the show notes!), read (started Open by Nate Klemp and read the intro), plan day / fill out journals

5:27 Start running to meet my friend (Jacy) who said she would be at the gate at 5:40

5:40 Whew, just made it! Run the next ~7 miles with Jacy and then run home with some 20 second strides in the last mile. Total = 10 mi @ 8:51/mi.

7:02 HOME, shower, pack lunch for G/C/me. We each get TJs salads + various snacks so lunch packing is quick. Josh helps with the kids too, getting their breakfast while I pack lunches.

7:40 Leave with kids for school. Eat Perfect Bar on the way and drink LMNT. Olivia Rodrigo has been requested and then A introduces me to Sabrina Carpenter. Not bad but I like Olivia more . . .

7:55 Arrive at school, escort kids to various areas and then leave for work.

8:25 Arrive at work. No Starbucks today (I try to keep it to 2x/week). Patients start at 8:30 and the first one is on time, so it’s off to the races! Mix of new + follow up.

12:15 Done including all notes. Grab lunch from work fridge and then close the door to my office for a little bit of peace! Eat lunch — the TJs salad was excellent but the plum I packed was disappointing. (I ate it anyway). Write DITL post and then browse a few blogs.

TJs fave

1:00 Patients. A bit less packed than the morning! I attack my EPIC inbox a bit more and text with Kae and my friend Jennifer a little bit. I also snack on some pretzel sticks and string cheese.

5:10 DONE with notes! Head out. Listen to All Songs Considered New Music Friday (from last Friday) in the car.

5:45 Arrive at dance — A/G have ballet at 5p – 6p and MM dropped them off at 5 pm; I typically pick them up on the way back from work. Decide that since my time so limited this is the PERFECT opportunity to check Reddit since I won’t get too sucked in. Catch up on the threads I check there until it’s 5:58 and I realize that it’s time to grab G.

6:00 Pick up both girls and drive home.

6:15 Arrive home; start heating up dinner (chicken, sweet potatoes, asparagus). MM is there and had already given C dinner (he was hungry); she helps heat stuff up. Chat with MM for a bit. MM leaves and we finish dinner; I put dishes in the dishwasher, clean the table, and prep the next day’s coffee.

7:00 Finally do the week’s whiteboard + send to J/MM. During this time A/C are doing homework (well – C is mostly done and is randomly browsing Spotify since it’s something we tend to let him do without much policing). He adds songs to his ‘favorites’ and asks me if we can get a record player (my answer: maybe as a future birthday gift or something, but not just randomly buying one!).

7:30 Kids are being hyper and mildly annoying so I declare I am starting G’s bedtime routine and everyone else needs to go read. C comes into G’s room and listens for a bit but then gets bored and heads to his own room to read.

I decide I am still hungry and unearth 2 cookies (Cookies by Amanda!! THE BEST) from the freezer
G + C have a good natured battle over pipe cleaners that starts out cute and then gets to be too much — so I declare it is time to start getting ready for bed

8:15 G is in bed. (I started this whole process early figuring everyone was probably tired from the weekend!). Say good night to C, hang out with A and do skincare together (plus flossing/brushing. My evening dental routine is linked to my evening skincare!).

8:45 Read in bed, starting The Five Star Weekend by Elin Hildebrand because this seems like the right thing to read after Covenant (from 20th century India to 21st century Nantucket? Why not!?). (Big kids read in their own rooms; I do not police them turning off the light but with no devices and only books I figure this phase is self-limited and it generally is).

9:00 Pass out.

(10:45 Josh arrives home. He must have had a late case! I only know this from our Life360 because I definitely did not wake up).


  • Reply Laura April 30, 2024 at 9:25 am

    Loving these day in the life posts 🙂 And that picture of G — she is lovely and your house gets such pretty light! Also, I’m amazed at your ability to fall asleep before your kids do. I always get a little nervous thinking they’ll stay up super late and be cranky the next day, but with their bedtimes creeping later and later, I’m too tired to stay up to police anything. Like your kids my daughter just stays up late reading or playing quietly in her room, and 9 times out of 10 will fall asleep on her own (sometimes with her bedside light still on ;).

  • Reply Grateful Kae April 30, 2024 at 9:37 am

    Poor Josh- that’s so late!

    Having dinner made already every night seems like a real game changer! Hmm. We don’t have anyone that could cook during the day, but maybe I should ponder if there’s some better way for us to pre-cook or have things somehow already ready to go. I feel like dinner is just such an ongoing annoyance especially when evenings are packed with driving people places, etc. I like to cook when I have wide open space and can do so leisurely; I do NOT like trying to cram cooking into a window of time that is too short to actually cook in…(which is…often…). I should be better about starting some prep during work breaks/lunch time too maybe. But many days I take the dog for a quick walk or have other things I need to take care of during lunch.

    • Reply Coree April 30, 2024 at 10:33 am

      Dinner is the worst! We used to be in the office 5 days a week, and I’m not sure how we did it? Now one of us does the school run and the other one starts dinner. But I also don’t love eating boring food.

      I have started using a meal matrix (portable Monday, pasta Tuesday, breakfast Wednesday, Asian Thursday, pizza Friday) which at least removes the decision-making from the whole ordeal.

  • Reply Amanda April 30, 2024 at 1:03 pm

    That’s my favorite TJ salad too! Also love seeing your grocery haul – we have lots of similar staples! I’m so impressed that you can get your notes done so efficiently. Maybe someday I will get there…

  • Reply Elisabeth April 30, 2024 at 2:28 pm

    I can SO relate to the things starting out “cute” and sliding into “too much” with siblings. Literally that is what led to our son breaking his thumb (hammock play that started out amicable but ended with them swinging each other higher and higher – not necessarily in a fun-spirited way, either – until a certain someone toppled out and broke his thumb). They start out as best friends and then it just crumbles into a heap of broken dreams, tears, and – in this case – injury.
    Sigh. Isn’t parenting such a treat some days? 🙂
    We’re mostly the same with the kids choosing their own lights out, especially our teen. She is only able to read books but is a night owl and I need to be in bed before she is! She turns out her light when she’s tired and it works. Some nights I enforce an earlier bedtime (say if she was out late to some event the night before), but mostly she makes the final call. I can’t believe I have kids old enough to moderate their own bedtimes. Also, she is less than three years away FROM BEING ABLE TO DRIVE.

  • Reply jennystancampiano May 1, 2024 at 9:31 am

    Yeah, it’s nice when you can go to sleep and let the kids turn off their own lights! I agree, with only books and no devices they probably won’t stay up too late (unless they’re like me as a kid and read under the covers with a flashlight till way too late… but remember I said I was always a night owl!)
    That is a LONG day for Josh! I’ve heard you mention eventually cutting back on nanny hours, but there’s no way you could manage all that after school activity on your own. Once again I’m admiring your “heated up” dinner : )

  • Reply Amanda May 1, 2024 at 12:04 pm

    Aww…thanks 🙂

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