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  • life

    August is Actually Soon, and Fun Auditing

    Did you know it’s almost August? I didn’t. Laura texted me about our next recoding session and I was about to reply that it is in the FAR future, because it’s in AUGUST. And…

    July 24, 2024
  • life Reading

    Life + Death + Thoughts

    Near-death experiences I am reading about near-death experiences in You Only Die Once. I am trying to decide whether my own near-death experience ~9 months ago has had a profound impact on my mindset/attitudes/thinking.…

    July 23, 2024
  • life Reading

    Friday Bits of Randomness

    I have a bunch of thoughts swirling in my head about the contradiction between the book I am reading (You Only Die Once — which suggests we should be really aware of mortality and…

    July 19, 2024
  • life Parenting Reading

    Notes + Links on a Tuesday

    LINKS: TikTok in middle school (NYT gift link courtesy of Jo Piazza’s substack). I wanted to cry reading this. I continue to feel like social media in middle school is like talking a forest…

    July 16, 2024
  • life Reading

    5 on a Friday: Interesting Things Lately

    1- Thank you for your thoughts/insights re: strength training! I really think I want to try something different. Many of you pointed out how working with a trainer or in a gym can be…

    July 12, 2024
  • life Parenting

    Several Confessions

    #1 I still haven’t cleared out / finished responding to my email since call. Call was 6/24 – 6/30. Of course there has been triaging/archiving, but I need to respond and process and deal…

    July 10, 2024
  • life Travel

    Catching Up!

    I took a little break from posting while we were traveling — not entirely sure why! I had the time . . . but perhaps I didn’t have the energy. Here is an incomplete…

    July 9, 2024
  • life

    Wait What Day Is It?

    Seriously. Someone with as many planners as I have should not feel disoriented in time, but here we are. I mean, I *know* what day it is. I just have to think about it…

    July 3, 2024