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  • life

    5 on a Friday: Mostly Positive Edition

    1- A continues to improve! (PS, how wild is it that Elisabeth’s A seems to have had the same thing at the same time!?). Now just hoping no one else in the family gets…

    June 28, 2024
  • life

    Feeling Better (Everyone!)

    I was so relieved to see a temp of 100.5 on the thermometer (and a tired, but not super-ill-appearing kid) this morning instead of 103! I think the antibiotic switch made a huge difference…

    June 27, 2024
  • life


    I’m kind of stressed out today. A is still sick with high fever and now on more antibiotics (she had a test for basically every virus and it was negative). I really really hope…

    June 26, 2024
  • life

    Olympic Trials + Kid Fevers

    VERY exciting race: I am almost never up at 10 pm but last night was a little wild. A had her fourth day of 103F fever so I decided it was time to get…

    June 25, 2024
  • Fitness Goals life

    Workouts / Reading / Screen Time

    Workouts M: Bittersweet group run because one of the members is moving to BRAZIL! We will miss her!! 8.18 mi @ 9:58/mi ave (included a run/walk portion). T: 2 mi warmup, 12 x (1…

    June 23, 2024
  • life

    5 on Friday: Random Fun Stuff Edition

    1- Very interesting episode of 10% Happier on GLP-1 agonists with (sometimes controversial) author Johann Hari: I wasn’t surprised by much in this episode, but I appreciated his honesty and vulnerability. Definitely worth a…

    June 21, 2024
  • life

    Midday Rambles

    THE SEAL IS BROKEN I finally started my book proposal document!! I’ve done so much thinking about this, and I have little notes and ideas saved in various places, but today was the first…

    June 20, 2024
  • life Parenting

    Work Days + Things

    Drumroll please . . . I’m going with TUES / THURS / FRIDAY! After a thorough analysis I think this will have a few benefits, which I will detail below. I will be taking…

    June 19, 2024
  • Habits life


    I recognize this feeling. It took me a while to accept that Instagram (quit in 2021 after this post) had basically become my new Facebook (quit in 2016). I need to accept that Reddit…

    June 15, 2024
  • life

    Random Catch Up Things

    I gave myself a very chill agenda today. Yesterday we ended up having massive flooding in the area and I had flashbacks to the scariest drive I ever took (April 2023). I did end…

    June 13, 2024