
5 on a Friday: Mostly Positive Edition

June 28, 2024

1- A continues to improve! (PS, how wild is it that Elisabeth’s A seems to have had the same thing at the same time!?). Now just hoping no one else in the family gets it!

2- Not going to lie, I didn’t watch the debate last night. On call with a sick kid I was not in a space to handle it, so instead I went to bed. But I did listen to this discussion on my run this morning and then laugh/cried reading this. WOW.

3- If you’re looking for some more peaceful content . . .Christine Koh had me on Edit Your Life this week! We had a really fun conversation about routines. Christine is generally just an awesome lovely person and it was very easy to talk to her.

4- Excited for more track this weekend – lots of exciting finals coming up!! You can find the schedule here (we’ve been watching via Peacock – we are 3 hours later than the times shown).

5- Loved the GND episode on Evenings! I loved the incredibly different routines Kelsey and Erica have, and also that Kelsey’s husband’s habits make me look like a night owl (yes really). Super fascinating to see how others spend their evening hours!

BONUS #6 — I made it through a super stressful week without Reddit!!! And yes, I very much WANTED to. But I didn’t. Celebrating by . . . well, not by going on Reddit. I continue to be happy with this decision.


  • Reply Elisabeth June 28, 2024 at 3:31 pm

    It is WILD, Sarah. Also, I saw in your comment on my post that your A didn’t respond to Amox. That’s exactly what my A was taking. (The doc added doxy yesterday; I talked to the pharmacist when I picked up the script and he said they stay away from azithromycin around here because it’s becoming resistant – argh, that was our go-to antibiotic when the kids were young and always worked). Also, a friend texted today to say her son has pneumonia and also didn’t respond to Amox and got prescribed a new antibiotic today. It must be a-typical? The community spread around here is unreal but like you said we are a LONG way apart so the coincidence is crazy.
    Hope both our A’s are feeling 100% very soon <3

    And gold stars on staying away from Reddit. I did so much mindless internet scrolling this week and it made me feel icky but everything else felt so out of control, I just couldn't help myself.

  • Reply Svetlana June 28, 2024 at 4:04 pm

    Glad to hear A is feeling better! I’m so scared about antibiotic-resistance bacteria. Oh, and the debate…I felt both sad and somewhat hopeful after listening to that same podcast episode w/Ezra Klein. That the Democrats and Biden will finally see the light? And my biggest internet downfall is online shopping, or even just browsing without buying anything. I’ve been especially obsessed with Quince lately. It’s hard for me to be a “moderator” in that area, but I also don’t want to completely abstain. Maybe I’ll reach a point when I will stop caring about what I wear and what my home decor looks like. But also, do I want to reach that point? Ugh…

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger June 29, 2024 at 5:16 am

      I don’t know that I ever cared about decor but nah, I don’t think it’s goals not I care what you wear! Ha. Quince at least has decent prices!!

  • Reply jennystancampiano June 29, 2024 at 4:45 pm

    I also didn’t watch the debate- I just couldn’t. My son watched part of it and from what he tells me, I’m glad I didn’t see it. That “Wait but Why” post is pretty funny- good we can laugh about this!
    I also listened to that GND episode. I’m intrigued that Erica reads in bed until MIDNIGHT every night. Wow.
    Also watching track and field, AND gymnastics. There’s too much to watch right now! I’ll be sad when the trials are over but I’m getting VERY excited about the Olympics.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger June 29, 2024 at 5:33 pm

      ahhhhh didn’t realize gymnastics are on!!! I need to get on that with A!!

  • Reply Sarah July 3, 2024 at 7:11 am

    I also loved this episode of GND. It was so helpful to remember the slog of many little kid bedtimes– just one picky preschooler is a cakewalk.

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