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5 on a Friday

  • life Reading

    5 on a Friday: Interesting Things Lately

    1- Thank you for your thoughts/insights re: strength training! I really think I want to try something different. Many of you pointed out how working with a trainer or in a gym can be…

    July 12, 2024
  • life

    5 on a Friday: Mostly Positive Edition

    1- A continues to improve! (PS, how wild is it that Elisabeth’s A seems to have had the same thing at the same time!?). Now just hoping no one else in the family gets…

    June 28, 2024
  • life

    5 on Friday: Random Fun Stuff Edition

    1- Very interesting episode of 10% Happier on GLP-1 agonists with (sometimes controversial) author Johann Hari: I wasn’t surprised by much in this episode, but I appreciated his honesty and vulnerability. Definitely worth a…

    June 21, 2024
  • life

    Five on a Friday: Feeling Peaceful

    We’re going to do today’s Friday 5 as more of a coffee chat style than a list of recs/links. Here we go! #1: I feel peaceful today! Wow, maybe I didn’t realize how much…

    June 7, 2024
  • life Reading

    5 on a Friday: Attention, Clutter, Books, Etc

    1- One of my current favorite topics seems to be back in my podcast feed: ATTENTION. Very interesting Ezra Klein ep today entitled “Your Mind is Being Fracked.” Dramatic — yes. But interesting too.…

    May 31, 2024
  • life Parenting

    5 on a Friday: SHU’s version

    1- Definitely enjoyed my first listen to The Tortured Poet’s Department on my run this AM! I didn’t even realize there was an entire second album of songs until my SIL texted me afterwards.…

    April 19, 2024
  • life

    5 on a Friday: Variety Edition

    1- EVERYONE AROUND ME IS OR HAS RECENTLY BEEN SICK. Thus far, I am fine. Will I make it to the starting line of my half marathon unscathed on Sunday? I keep hoping! Trying…

    February 16, 2024
  • life Reading

    5 on a Friday: Random Assortment Edition

    1- “ANYWAYS . . . ” — I recently noticed that everyone (not just my tween . . .) is saying “anyways.” It came up in conversation with a millennial colleague and sounded very…

    January 26, 2024