
5 on a . . . Saturday?

August 17, 2024

What can I say, the week got away from me. 5 call days down, 2 to go — and just 2 more nights! Clinically, it has been manageable. But other life factors have made these past ~5 days quite a challenge, and I will be very happy when Monday rolls around, which I am deeming the official start of my Quintile 4. Here is a mix of links + life updates:

1- 2/3 kids attended school on Friday!! Our protracted start to the year continues, and so far it has been a success. G loves her new class, and though I think this year will be challenging for her I think she’s ready for it. A had a great start at her new school and I feel confident changing schools was the right choice.

As expected, the Activity Load is feeling like a lot, and not everything has started yet! C wants to try out for the school flag football team and possibly take guitar lessons. I have not yet achieved the feat of being in bed in time to get 7 hours of sleep, and that is bad. But hopefully we will get there.

G on orientation morning!

Certain kids have been very picky about which photos can be shared lately . . . but I *hope* I can get an acceptable pic of all 3 for back to school on Monday! We will see 🙂

2- Love this “I love my kids but” comic by Hallie Bateman posted on Cup of Jo. My favorite part is the dad saying “I love my kids but it just feels so good to go to the office five days a week and earn a dollar for every 82 cents earned by my female counterparts.” Nailed it.

3- 23 Calendar Management Tips is a lot of calendar management tips, but hey – calendars are complex, especially if you are using multiple digital systems! My personal favorite calendar tip is to have ONE SOURCE OF TRUTH, but the hosts of The Productivity Show had some great ones to share too.

4- If you were a bullet journaler who filled a lot of pages and needed a notebook for each season, HOW AMAZINGLY CUTE would this one from Archer & Olive be for fall!?

5- OFF TO RUN. I guess my marathon training has begun? 16 miles today in a progression pattern – 5 easy, 5 easy/moderate, 5 marathon pace, 1 cooldown. Here we go!

I will be filling out an Ideal Week template this weekend, among other things to get ready for Q4. I do really like this season! More than summer (sorry to all the summer fans out there and to those of you who will protest that are still many weeks of summer left. I personally am more than ready to move on!).


  • Reply Chelsea August 17, 2024 at 7:16 am

    Hopefully the weather is a little better for your run this morning! It’s been just the tiniest bit less humid – if not actually cooler – here.

    I’m off to walk 2 or 3 miles, lol. I don’t think I mentioned it before, but I sprained my ankle 2 weeks ago (freak accident – I had a run in with a very mean pothole) and I have one more week off before I can run again. This will be my first “long” walk since the accident so I’m hoping that it feels okay. I’m still planning to run Marine Corps in October, but now with much lower expectations…

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger August 17, 2024 at 9:11 am

      Oh NO!!! I’m so sorry. If it is any comfort I really found I came back stronger after my injury. The break maybe actually HELPED in the long run. So don’t lose hope for marine corp since this is similar in a way (not a running injury). Todays weather was not the worst of summer weather here but it wasn’t … good, either. lol.

  • Reply jennystancampiano August 17, 2024 at 8:25 am

    Ha ha… that comic is hilarious. I like “You should stay home till they’re at least 29!”
    I hope you had a good long run. Not sure if it’s like this where you are, but we’ve had an overcast morning which helps a LOT.
    The first week is hard- I have yet to get 7 hours of sleep in a night, and my schedule is nowhere near as complicated as yours!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger August 17, 2024 at 9:13 am

      It was good! It was sort of overcast and 78-82 out, 80% humidity, not the best but not the worst, either!!

  • Reply Lisa’s Yarns August 17, 2024 at 8:25 am

    If I lived in Florida I would be ready to say goodbye to summer too since it’s the equivalent of our winter! I am glad call is almost over. Return to school + re-entry after vacation + call is a lot!!! We are going school supply shopping this morning so I am excited for that! Hope your 16 mile run goes/went well. I was hoping to do my 8 miler this am but am pushing it to tomorrow as it’s so humid/will potentially rain.

  • Reply Suzanne August 17, 2024 at 1:13 pm

    I am again in awe of your ability to juggle such a complex work life with family and marriage and running AND your creative pursuits.

    School has not yet begun for us, but I am already deep in the Fall Schedule Stress Pit. I just want things planned out, and then I want things to get going (even though I am enjoying summer quite a bit and don’t want it to end) so I can get used to them. These times of transition are not my favorite!

  • Reply San August 17, 2024 at 5:37 pm

    I second Suzanne, I am so inspired how you “manage” all these different things… work, kids, running, planning… with such efficiency.
    And you’re starting marathon training back up again with 16 miles. NBD. Haha. I am excited to follow along 🙂

  • Reply Caroline August 17, 2024 at 8:04 pm

    I wonder if making kids do all the after school stuff is too much and I wonder if that is where the American culture of you must be successful and do more and be more and achieve more stems from?? Just something I have been thinking about. I wonder if this culture we have created is toxic for our kids???

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger August 18, 2024 at 7:39 am

      There’s probably some elements of this! Especially with times getting later and later and things getting more competitive. That said when kids are into an activity and enjoying and you can see a benefit (they are learning, social aspects, etc) it’s hard to not want to keep things going.

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