
September 27, 2024

Are we out of the woods yet?, are we out of the woods yet?, are we out of the woods yet?, are we out of the woods? 
Are we in the clear yet?, are we in the clear yet?, are we in the clear yet?, in the clear yet, good 

~ T. Swift

= current mental status. Feeling hopeful! Here are 5 things I am looking forward to this weekend:

1- Not doing a long run. You guys, I am NOT FEELING IT with respect to running right now. I am not injured, but I just suddenly sort of lost the desire to work so hard in such disgusting weather. I was supposed to run 18 on Thursday, but then Helene hit and when I saw flashes of lightning 2 miles in I called it quits (and I wasn’t sad about that, I felt terrible anyway!). Today I ran 3 miles at >10:00/mi pace and that didn’t even feel easy.

I think it might just be my body asking for a B R E A K, so I am skipping a long run this week! I’ll do short easy efforts if I feel like it. And I’m kind of looking forward to the break.

(It might actually turn into a longer one as I’m REALLY waffling on my December marathon. Finding one for March / April would be *so* much nicer. I’m not really very excited about training hard through October or even November!)

2- Fancy hotel breakfast. We are headed to the keys for a surgery conference (all of us) and when I told the kids, A asked “the place with the awesome breakfast, where you didn’t realize and ate at the Kids Buffet?”

Yes, that place. This time I will make my selections from the Adult Buffet. (It was pretty funny, we saw all this great stuff on the way out but apparently did not notice it on the way in. Probably due to lack of coffee.)

the keys. But not the same key we are headed to!

3- A NEW MONTH. If in fact we are out of the woods I am ready to embrace October! Very very very excited for this fresh start coming up on the calendar. It’s arbitrary and it’s powerful. Hooray October.

4- Filling out my Essential Calendar (<– this is an affiliate link and code BESTLAIDPLANS saves 10%) for the rest of 2024. AHHHH! It’s time. I may or may not have ripped the last one off of the wall in a fit of despair (well, we were close to the end anyway). Hopefully this one can stay up.

5- Starting on my FALL list! And perusing the aisles of TJs for all things pumpkin. I think I will do this on Sunday and then make something super fall-ish for dinner. (Chili? Pumpkin chili? There were also a bunch of apple recipes in the last Real Simple that looked kind of amazing. Yes I subscribe to paper magazines, though not all that many! Am I weird?)

PS: Thinking of everyone impacted by Helene!! School was cancelled Thursday and there were a bunch of branches down, but we did not get the brunt of it. Thinking of everyone impacted and sending DRY thoughts!!!


  • Reply Lisa's Yarns September 27, 2024 at 2:49 pm

    It would really hard to train for a December marathon living where you do. You are doing so much training during one of the worst seasons of the year for you! I think targeting a late spring marathon makes sense. Plus I feel like it helps to give your body some time off from intense training between marathons! But I’ve never ran more than 1 marathon/year!

    Enjoy your time in the Keys! It’s nice that the kids are at ages that you can bring them to the conference and have it be enjoyable!!

  • Reply Elisabeth September 27, 2024 at 3:00 pm

    So glad you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    I suspect you’ve been running (ha) on so much adrenaline these last few months that your body and brain need a break. Slowing down a bit until you feel ready to ramp things back up sounds like a great plan.

    Hope the conference is a nice change of pace.

  • Reply San September 27, 2024 at 7:47 pm

    So glad you are ok from Helene. I am happy to hear from all my FL peeps if they’re ok. And hey, I think you really should just listen to your body… if your body needs a break from running, give it a break. It’s no fun to run if you’re pressured to do it… and you’re so disciplined in every other way!

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