
5 on a Friday: Back to Normal?

October 11, 2024

I feel like life hasn’t been “normal” in soooooo long but maybe, just maybe — these next few weeks will qualify for that designation?

1- Milton: Thankfully the storm did not end up causing any major issues where we live and by Thursday morning our weather actually took a (rare, these days!) turn for the better. Like my south Floridan friend Jenny, I took the opportunity to eat lots of snacks 🙂 Unlike Jenny, I did not really enjoy my time at home. I . . . really need the kids to be at SCHOOL when I am trying to WORK. The end.

(Yes, it’s definitely better now compared to when they are toddlers, certainly. But it is still far (FAR!) from an empty and quiet house. I did telehealth on Wednesday, interviews/BLPA on Thursday, and desperately need some catchup work time (with my stuff, not the clinical) because I was not as productive as I needed to be this week.)

2- TikTok: OMG this was pretty wild – an NPR journalist uncovered redacted text in an internal TikTok document just by COPYING AND PASTING! It was not flattering to TikTok. (Can you imagine the moment they were like “wait, that actually WORKED!?!?!?”.)

I do not use TikTok and with my tendencies to become addicted to various forms of social media, I purposely never made an account. (I am honestly now sort of repulsed by most social media — wish I could get Reddit to feel that unenticing to me. It could happen!)

3- Pumpkin beer: Happened. I drank most of this on Wednesday night. Honestly, it was okay? I never drink at home or really ever on a weeknight so this was quite unusual, but I guess a tropical storm is a special occasion of sorts.

4- Debating getting last minute tickets to see Simone Biles + other athletes in the Gold Over America tour. It’s TONIGHT and I generally do not feel like doing anything (ie, anything out of the house whatsoever) on Friday night. But I just got about 34834 notifications from A’s gym that others are going so now I’m wondering if we should.

I’m also just wondering how well we’d be able to SEE Simone + Co, but I’m guessing they have giant projection screens to capture the action!

5- I really feel like life has been a roller coaster lately, but I see a light at the end of the tunnel! I think our stressful issue of August/Sept is really done with AND even hurricane season has to come to a close eventually. I am feeling more peaceful today.


  • Reply Nikki October 11, 2024 at 2:11 pm

    We went to GOAT when they were it LA, it was very fun, I’m sure A would love it. I got a little shiver when I first saw Simone!

    • Reply Nikki October 11, 2024 at 2:28 pm

      It’s LOUD and lots of very bright lights, FYI in case that ever impacts your migraines. If you have the noise canceling airpods, might be nice to have with you. The LA GOAT show was much louder than my experience at Olivia Rodrigo, for example, but maybe venue-specific.

      • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger October 11, 2024 at 3:05 pm

        Thank goodness no migraines for past year (ever since I quit hormonal birth control!). But good to know, will bring earplugs!!

  • Reply Shelly October 11, 2024 at 2:14 pm

    Agree with the above. Took my 10 year old last week in NJ and it was great!

  • Reply Elizabeth October 11, 2024 at 3:44 pm

    Omg I hope you go to the GOAT!!! I wish I was going!

    Also I’ve had the Elysian pumpkin beer and it’s not a bad one! Pumpkin beer in general I find isn’t really something I can ever drink a lot of at one go but every October I enjoy a few.

    Here’s to getting back to normal!!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger October 11, 2024 at 4:23 pm

      we are going! just bought the tix. It’s called the “Gold Over America” tour this round and it’s 20 min from our house. Most of A’s gym is going so I had to. G insisted on coming too. . . . impromptu adventure!

      EDITED – ha oops Gold Over America Tour = GOAT! HA!

      • Reply Elizabeth October 12, 2024 at 9:17 am

        🙂 yes GOAT!!

        How was it? Hope you had the best time! Please share an update of how it went!!

        • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger October 12, 2024 at 10:53 am

          It was awesome!!!! Shared a pic today. The girls had a blast. So glad we decided to go!!

  • Reply Sara October 11, 2024 at 4:09 pm

    I went with a friend (we are in our early 40s and neither of us has kids) the first time around (2021) and it was so much fun! Go!

  • Reply Kat R October 11, 2024 at 5:20 pm

    We went to the GOLD tour here in CA a few weeks ago and it was amazing. So worth the money! My daughter is a competitive cheerleader and a bunch of her teammates went. Super inspiring. Go for it!

  • Reply Elisabeth October 11, 2024 at 5:42 pm

    This sounds so fun!!! Enjoy. I love spontaneous adventures. Sometimes it is more enjoyable than something that has been planned for a long time. No juggling schedules to make it work. The opportunity presents itself and you say yes! Gold star.

    I am so, so glad you have found resolution from the frustrating situation. That must feel like such a weight lifted.

    Also, I knew nothing about TikTok and then read the NPR link and…wow. I have not had any social media in almost 20 years, so I know I’m out of the loop, but it’s very crazy and – quite frankly – very frightening. Where does all this technology (especially the AI components) end?! We’re headed into uncharted territory for sure…

  • Reply Lisa’s Yarns October 11, 2024 at 7:26 pm

    I’m so glad that things are normalizing for you are a rough stretch. The 2nd half of October is going to be nutty for me. My 6yo and I go to visit my sister in the DC wed-Sat next week (which I am excited for as I haven’t seen my sister and her family since last September!!). Then after that I have a work trip to NJ followed by a work trip to Detroit… but it was nice to have a 2 week break from travel at the beginning of this month to kind of catch my breath.

    I want to see GOAT but didn’t end up getting tickets as my boys are super into gymnastics… yet. Now if my 6yo could go see Justin Jefferson do ‘the gritty’ live he would be all over that!!

  • Reply jennystancampiano October 11, 2024 at 7:37 pm

    Oh wow- GOAT sounds fun. You’ll have to tell us all about it!
    The only thing missing from my hurricane snacks was a pumpkin beer, and now I want one. Maybe this weekend…
    BTW our weather today was lovely! I mean… I’d like it a little cooler still (obviously.) But it was actually almost pleasant today!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger October 12, 2024 at 10:54 am

      OMG, the weather seems to have turned a corner and I’m almost giddy about it!!! The last two runs were amazing. It was ~82% humidity and 74 when I started today and 77 when I finished and I know that northerners wouldn’t even consider that ‘good’ but I felt like I could breathe again!

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