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  • Fitness Goals life

    Workouts / Reading / Screen Time

    Workouts M: Bittersweet group run because one of the members is moving to BRAZIL! We will miss her!! 8.18 mi @ 9:58/mi ave (included a run/walk portion). T: 2 mi warmup, 12 x (1…

    June 23, 2024
  • Goals life

    DITL Takeaways + MAY

    Takeaways from the DITL/Time Tracking First of all, thank you all so much for your support during the last week of DITL posts! As I wrote yesterday, I had fun doing it and it…

    May 2, 2024
  • Goals

    Nebulous Long Range Projects are HARD!

    I don’t mean this in a self-flagellating way, so aiming for a neutral tone here. But I would like to share that I am not making any progress in four areas, and honestly they…

    April 17, 2024
  • Goals

    Q2 is here!

    I am happy! Q1 had its ups and downs. I accomplished some things, and moved other things forward. And I am definitely ready for a fresh start. (Note: spring break as a vacation palate…

    April 2, 2024
  • Goals

    March Goals: Here We Go!

    February definitely had some highlights, but from a goals perspective I ended up treating it as a bit of a ‘down’ month, and that was what I needed. I am entering March itching to…

    March 1, 2024
  • Goals life

    New Month!

    Sometimes when I have something stressful going on that I can’t share (because it’s too personal, or because it’s not my story) I have a REALLY hard time writing here. Today is one of…

    February 1, 2024
  • Goals life

    Treat Day + January Goals

    Treat Day! Yesterday was the grand finale of BLP at Home: Planning 2024 so I decided to celebrate a bit. I ended up with a treat trifecta: Despite all that I did work a…

    January 24, 2024
  • Goals

    Q1/January Goals

    My own goals! I’ve been leading many planning sessions for others, but (duh) I can’t do my own planning during those sessions! I admittedly migrated “create Q1 goals list” twice — I had it…

    January 6, 2024
  • Goals Habits

    A Media Manifesto

    I am writing this from my car as I wait for A at dance (jazz). I am feeling really content right now and excited about the weeks (and year) ahead. As a wise commenter…

    December 14, 2023