hello, monday

November 15, 2010

. . . and goodbye, pager call!
this past 7 days turned out to be my best call block yet, and not just because we managed to go an entire week without diagnosing a new diabetic. part of it is that i am finding myself more able to answer questions and handle certain situations independently. but it’s also attitude! as i wrote about yesterday, i think i’m doing a better job just being accepting and gracious about the pages/consults/etc that come my way.

emergency medicine resident stevo totally gets my drift! i loved his comment:

“anyone that wants to be happy as an MD needs to learn to interact productively with pager calls. (my inner response to hearing the pager as well as how i treat the person on the other line) this may sound a bit overwrought, but remaining calm while being paged has almost become a type of spiritual practice for me.”

i completely agree. in fact, i’ve replaced my old habit of cursing every time i hear a beep (trust me, this is a very easy habit to fall into) with yelling “ZEN!” at the top of my lungs. at least, i do this when i’m at home. i’m not sure how that would fly during grand rounds . . .

the breakfast challenge is here!
last week, i decided enough was enough with my same-old, same-old breakfasts. there are so many good options out there, and yet i was eating practically the same thing day in and day out! so i decided on a simple breakfast challange: a quest to vary my choice daily for one week.

yesterday, we headed to on a reconnaissance mission: to brunch at the iconic mad hatter bake shop in durham. josh and i split this delicious breakfast burrito:

and then things got a little crazy . . .

i was already full from my burrito half, but i managed to help out a bit while josh dominated this plate of banana french toast.

while this meal was excellent, it doesn’t actually count as part of the breakfast challange because it was actually lunch for me! furthermore, as my goal with the breakfast challenge is not to raise my LDL by 80 points, i plan to go a little easier on the whipped cream.

sunday afternoon and still bound to the pager, i decided that a baking project would be a perfect combination of productivity + stress relief. i turned to one of my favorite online recipe resources and found an easy formula at simply recipes. my only tweaks were to use half whole wheat pastry flour, and to add some dried cranberries to the mix.

josh documented my progress:

and, apparently, my mess:

i’m a neat cook, but a messy baker!

one of the loaves broke off at the bottom, yielding a ramekin full of (delicious) crumbs. it all seemed to work out in the end, though. i brought one of the loaves to caitlin, baking blogger extraordinaire who happens to live IN our apartment complex!

the other stayed home, and guest starred in the very first challenge breakfast:

slice of homemade pumpkin cranberry bread + plain yogurt with raspberries & pecans
so far, so good!

last chance to enter to win!
i am totally excited that so many of you are interested in winning the space 24 giveaway! tomorrow morning i will do the drawing, so today is your last chance to put in an entry.

remember, all you have to do to enter is to tell me something about what you’re planning in 2011; for a second entry, just mention the contest on your blog/website and let me know that you did.

all right, off to do a little pre-work yoga i didn’t get to yesterday. here’s to the start of a great week!



workout: 8 miles in chapel hill at a very relaxed pace (ave 9:29). i answered one call at mile 1, and then that was that. the weather was beautiful but i ended up way overdressed!

baking trumped cooking last night – but i’m already looking forward to the recipe i have planned for tonight.

grant report: career goal statement and activities planned (by time) = check and check. although these are all just drafts, i feel like i’m making a significant dent in the pile.


  • Reply Astrid March 10, 2019 at 7:25 pm

    I love your attitude too!I will probably bake something again today. It makes me happy. Hope you have a great week!

  • Reply Chelsea March 10, 2019 at 7:24 pm

    I don&#39t have stressful job, but I&#39ve been thinking about this a lot because we&#39ve had several recent sermons at church about making a conscious effort in all our interactions to put aside our frustration/anger/selfishness and act in a loving way. It&#39s an overwhelming goal, and I think finding that zen is really a lifelong process, but taking 3 seconds before reacting to change a negative interaction into a (at least more) positive one, is always worth it in the end.

  • Reply Susan March 10, 2019 at 7:24 pm

    I visited the Mad Hatter when I was there in February, and I got that burrito! It was so good. 🙂

  • Reply Priyanka March 10, 2019 at 7:24 pm

    I think I agree with the readers above, love your attitude! The way we look at things or react at them help us a lot in the long run!!

    I hope you have a fantastic day at work!

  • Reply BroccoliHut March 10, 2019 at 7:25 pm

    Mmm, how I miss Mad Hatter…

  • Reply atilla March 10, 2019 at 7:24 pm

    love the mad hatter

  • Reply sophia March 10, 2019 at 7:25 pm

    Half the battle is getting a right attitude…you&#39re more than 50% there, my dear! 🙂

    I&#39m planning….to go on a trip with some bloggers in 2011. And hopefully find an internship for the summer.

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