unplugged [almost]

May 20, 2013

without meaning to, i spent most of this weekend unplugged.  don’t get me wrong:  i still FaceTimed and googled and GPS’d my runs.  but there were no prolonged stretches of internet time, and i have to say it was lovely.

i’m not quitting facebook [or pinterest, or blog reading, or online shopping] anytime soon.  but as i try to more carefully control my time — curate my life, if you will — i find that there just isn’t as much room for these things.  and it turns out that when i’m busy enough actually living life, i don’t even really notice their absence.
this weekend, miss annabel and i were [mostly] on our own.  highlights of the past 48 hours:
6.2 mile stroller run [BOB record]
mall trip: a pair of lululemon running shorts were purchased on sale*
gymboree class
lunch out [and shopping + gymboree] with erica + little g
dinner @ elmo’s diner
finishing all of the laundry by saturday afternoon [seriously, nearly threw a party]
a’s first trip to local yogurt.  she cried when we finished our cup.  definitely my daughter.
grocery shopping early sunday morning — my new favorite time to do it
trip to my sister’s store
naptime yoga
FaceTime with both sets of grandparents
a good dinner tonight [that i made] with sea scallops
lots of outside time
* the groovy shorts, for anyone curious.  i felt a little too self-conscious in the super-short speeds!  also, i still want to check out oiselle.
selected pics

rather exciting announcement:
i am going to be attending a 3-day course on resilience/positive psychology and its applications in medicine over the next few days!  i found out about it rather last-minute, but am thrilled to be attending.  i will definitely report back.

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