wheel spinning

February 12, 2014

yep.  still here.  
approaching the big 3-9, and no action in sight.  i am just now realizing that for some reason i sort of expected to go sooner than last time.  as if waiting until 40+3 with annabel would only be balanced out by an earlier arrival with round 2.

i recognize that it’s not even slightly appropriate to complain yet.  after 40 0/7 [2/20/14], then i can write a fairly legit whine-filled post, but for now it just doesn’t make any sense.

so i’m not impatient.  i will not go for my first run in 5 weeks in an attempt to shake things up; i respect my baby boy’s right to remain in his warm and increasingly cozy quarters.

however, with that said, i’m still TOTALLY OVER being pregnant.

38.5 weeks.
also: it never looks as big in pictures as it does in real life!!
fun fact:  i was born 17 days past my due date — if my mother’s dates were calculated correctly.  i’m just glad modern medicine won’t allow for that anymore.
so, here’s what’s happened over the last week:
[the important things anyway]

✩ we ordered closets!!!  the elfa/container store people will be coming to install tomorrow.  i really really hope it works out and will definitely report back.  the design process was not as bad as i imagined.
✩ i am feeling much more mentally ready . . . now that the closet task is set 🙂 car seat base is installed, baby clothes washed/sorted [our nanny did end up doing this, basically of her own initiative – she is awesome], the relevant baby ‘stuff’ has been unearthed, and we even built a cube unit from target [same one that annabel has, but with ‘boy colors’ . . .heh] to get things more organized in the nursery.  i haven’t packed a hospital bag — because that just feels like wishful thinking — but i did write out a list in case something does happen all of the sudden.
✩ i got in some serious relaxation time over the weekend.  i took TWO naps on sunday and had a prenatal massage.  so, basically i’m never allowed to complain again — this was heavenly.  also, my work schedule is lightening, and i’ve been using annabel as my alarm clock [between 6 and 6:30] instead of showering before she wakes up.  i am just prioritizing rest because my body is demanding it, and honestly – it feels good.
✩ i found out i’m anemic.  and i’m the one to blame, since i stopped taking prenatals quite early [i know, horrible. but i had a hideous aversion, and then GI issues so  . . . yeah].  it did kind of make me feel better about getting breathless from things like . . . showering.  it’s not horrible — some anemia in pregnancy is normal due to dilution.  however, hemoglobin of less than 11 in the third tri is considered low, and i was 9.7.  
[yes i restarted taking my vitamins.]
✩ annabel seems to be sort of getting the whole ‘big sister’ concept.  she has a great book about becoming a big sister and i see her sort of connecting the dots.  however, i’m pretty sure it’s still going to be a bit of a shock.  someone likes to be in charge . . . 

“i stand IN the basket!”
finally, for fun:  the official pregnancy update
[from brittany who i hope does not mind me pirating her template!]
due date:  feb 20.  
how far along:  on thursday, i’ll be 39 weeks.
gender: babyboy
total weight gain:  24-25 lbs.  similar to my last preg, i slowed down a lot at the end.  i think it’s just a matter of anatomic space limitation for food at this point.
exercise:  quit around week 34.  and totally okay with that.
stretch marks:  no.  and please, not now in the home stretch of preg #2!!
swelling:  only in my legs at the end of the work day.  i can see a bit of pitting edema when i press – ew!   no problems with my rings fitting, though, which is nice.
belly button:  way out.  ahh well.
sleep:  as much as possible — but with bathroom breaks every 2-3 hours.  other than that, i’m still amazingly comfortable in bed.  more so than last time, when i remember my hips aching.  maybe because i am not stressing my body as much by trying to run 🙂
food cravings:  not really any specific food, but i am downing la croix sparkling water at an alarming and expensive rate.
symptoms:  as above – many bathroom trips.  feeling huge and like i’m lumbering around.  fatigue.  shortness of breath.  all that said, i stand by my preference: i’d rather be 39 weeks pregnant than 10 any day.
movement:  the cute little tickles have given way to violent kicks, especially up in my right ribcage.  i remember this vividly from last time, so he must be in the exact same position that annabel was.
what i miss:  shopping.  champagne.  beer.  deli turkey.
what i’m loving:  the fact that friday is my last day of work!  so if he comes late i WILL get to spend some of next week lying around, which would be an awesome upside to a later delivery.
what i’m looking forward to:  holding him, seeing him for the first time, and introducing annabel to the real “baby boy” that we have talked up so much.  
what i’m not looking forward to:  labor!  and the painful recovery afterwards [i forgot about the squeeze bottle you take to the bathroom until someone mentioned it recently — aghghggh!].  omg i feel like it hasn’t been long enough to forget the pain of the first time around.  let’s hope for a speedy and effective epidural!
to those of you buried in snowstorm #3139327:  i’m sorry.  you should all come visit.
view from josh’s office: the boat show
[yes i’m a little bit jealous, but he also shares his office.  that would not be good for pumping!]


  • Reply SusannahEarlyBd March 10, 2019 at 7:15 pm

    I have been checking often because I was wondering if he had come a bit early!:) 1)love your shoes in the top pic–where from? 2)somehow I missed that you had stopped exercising…kudos to you for keeping it up as long as you did! I’m still in awe of you running up to that point! and 3)whyyyyy is it so hard to take vitamins? I was better at it while pregnant but am seriously horrible now and I should definitely be taking the calcium. I need a better routine!

    Hoping you have 1 week or less!!

  • Reply Michelle March 10, 2019 at 7:15 pm

    I’m due 10 days after you and I’m right there with you on the needing extra rest! I loved following along with you, thanks for sharing all the updates!

  • Reply Chelsea March 10, 2019 at 7:15 pm

    Very jealous of you in FL right now as we are currently getting snow storm #93847 today (at least it’s not below 0, which seems to be the theme of this winter). In a way I hope baby boy takes his time so you get a few days off work to *hopefully* relax a bit. A bit of exciting news from me: you and I are going to be "neighbors" soon. Daniel accepted a faculty position at Rollins College in Orlando starting this fall. It seems like a great fit for him, and we’re really looking forward to living near family (my parents and a lot of my extended family are in the area). Not looking forward to doing the move in August, though…

  • Reply Aimee March 10, 2019 at 7:15 pm

    1) Annabel is the cutest thing ever. 2) Watch for something from me in the mail for your little guy 😉

  • Reply gn0mel0ver March 10, 2019 at 7:15 pm

    I keep expecting baby boy to be here. I am much more impatient than you! You look great. I hope you are still getting rest.

    Anbabel is so adorable. Oh my gosh. That hair. So sweet. Having baby envy!


  • Reply Jen March 10, 2019 at 7:15 pm

    I’ve always heard second babies are earlier, so I’ve been freaking out since Wyatt came at 37w. So I’m hoping that’s just an old wives’ tale and I stay pregnant forever.

    What big sis book did you get A? I’m starting to look for big bro ones.

  • Reply oldmdgirl March 10, 2019 at 7:15 pm

    Your bump just makes it more obvious how petite YOU are. No experience with second labors here, but my friends who have done it say it is way easier and faster than the first time. So jealous of your weather!

  • Reply Bethany March 10, 2019 at 7:15 pm

    I just wanted to put it out there that my recovery for #2 (born 20 days ago!) was a breeze compared to #1. No squeeze bottle or laxatives needed at all! Wishing you the same easy recovery that I haas!

    • Reply theSHUbox March 10, 2019 at 7:15 pm

      OOH that is VERY encouraging. !!!

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