And it’s Monday!
And December!
This past weekend was full but exhausting, as many are lately. G is just . . . everywhere, and the full time job of following her around to make sure she stays safe is draining, and it makes it hard to focus on much else. We are about to embark on some sleep training though (it does not make sense to be feeding her overnight at this point), so maybe that will help my overall mojo. We had some really nice times, but to be real here: it sometimes just feels like survival mode.
taking C & G to Frost Science (gotta make the most of the local attractions before our move!)
date night to see A Star Is Born (singing: A+; acting: A; movie: B+)
family Hanukkah celebration last night (Mayim Bialik’s latkes = A+)
I have a lot to look forward to this week: NOT pumping (!), a day date with massage for Josh’s bday (annual tradition), and celebrating G’s first birthday (2 days before the actual day, but still!). I also would like to share 2 planner reviews — I got ‘behind’, but I have a total of 10 and we are getting dangerously close to 2019!
So, without further ado, here’s the Commit30!
Like several of the other boutique planners reviewed here, I discovered Commit30 on Instagram (thank you, targeted ads). I was struck by the unique aesthetic and the very goal/habit-oriented layouts. Their premise is that you can dedicate each month to a habit of your choice, and that you will be motivated by checking off daily circles in your planner.
I’m not going to suggest that this planner will magically steer you towards your goals. But it does have a very motivating feel! I decided to try the compact model, and since I have 93873 planners currently I decided to make a mock-up in this one. I think it would be a perfect health/fitness/training planner, though there is also an undated format with a dedicated fitness layout! Either would work, though, and in some ways this style might be more flexible.
Cover: This planner is not ring-bound – something I know many of you prefer! The cover has a leatherlike feel, and is soft and flexible. The overall effect is definitely pleasing, though I’m partial to a plainer design.
Notably, there is also a daily planner now offered on the website that contains the goal setting layouts + 6 months of daily pages! It is undated, so might be a nice motivational kick in the pants at another time throughout the year.
Weekend pix
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I will stick to my electronic system of day to day planning but I am looking for a paper planner to help with long-term goals. So this might fit the bill! Although I also prefer a simpler aesthetic for the cover.
planner to help with long-term goals. So this might fit the bill! Although I also prefer a simpler aesthetic for the cover.
Thank you so much for your refreshing honesty. My little is almost the same age as G and it is SO NICE to have someone who willingly says, yeah this whole pumping thing is really hard. Also, he is super active and into everything and it is sometimes just exhausting and hard. I don’t have any advice for you, just commiseration, and telling you thanks for saying what I think many moms are feeling.
I have no opinion about what YOU should do re moves and schools however as an observation: Children who move in the middle of a school year get to know children in their new area earlier and have more options for playmates during the summer. Children who move in the middle of a school year are clearly seen as NEW TO SCHOOL and often get more help in adjusting and meeting new friends. This is NOT advice, simply information parents often do not have when considering the timing of moving to new schools and areas.
Very best wishes and I do think you will make the best choices for all the members of your family in your location at this time!