Best Laid Plans

Best Laid Plans: Plan Your Summer!

June 7, 2021

I love the idea of summer fun lists or “designing” one’s summer. Detailed in this episode is my list of things I’ve spent time mulling over that pertain to Summer 2021 (also known as Quintile #3)! Here’s the brief list version:

1- Camp Spreadsheet: This might be the first year I have needed one in earnest.

2- Summer Projects: Home organizing, an online course from Simple Families, and my running goals

3- Summer Reading & Entertainment: Summer reading list, kids movie list, theme of ‘infinite loop’ media

4- Travel: One weekend trip (already done . . one pic below!) and 1 full week family trip; hopefully a “date overnight”

5- Retreat / Planning Days: I have one blocked off monthly!

6- Summer Fun List: Currently considering –> Butterly World, clearing donations from garage, hanging out at the community pool with friends, Zoo Miami, hosting a BBQ

I also mentioned my current planning system in this list:

  • Silk & Sonder Journal (not a permanent fixture, was just trying it for a month)
  • Erin Condren Life Planner (hourly) (email me if you’d like a $10 coupon code)
  • Full Focus Planner (I also have a coupon code for this if you’d like; email me!). I use the spiral bound – I find I prefer this! Less desk real estate!
  • Beginning in August will switch FFP to Simplified Daily at least to try it out

Other systems mentioned: Page Productive Planner, new Budget Mom Live Rich Planner

our summer = starting on a high note in the Keys!


Pineapple Escapes! If you are starting to dive back into travel this summer, consider checking out the helpful team at Pineapple Escapes!  Jamie, one of their wonderful agents, even sends planner and calendar stickers to her clients when they book a Walt Disney World or Disney Cruise Line Vacation!   That is definitely an amazing touch I can get behind.


  • Reply Lisa of Lisa's Yarns June 7, 2021 at 3:16 pm

    Re: bucket lists – I always like to see what others plan but I also don’t really create bucket lists for myself. I did a 30 before 30 and it was a fun challenge but then I felt bad/guilty about the things I didn’t get to, so I did not do a 40 before 40 – which is a good thing as most of the 11 of the 12 months leading up to me turning 40 were during the pandemic! I think because I am an upholder and ennegram 1, I don’t love ‘aspirational’ lists that include things I might not get to! But I should come up with maybe 3 things to do this summer that work for our current stage of life (a breastfed 6m baby that naps 3 times/day and has unpredictable naps!). Will be curious to hear more about your running training plans! I ran my fastest times when I ran 3 times/week and strength trained the other 2-3 days. That really surprised me as I thought I needed to run higher mileage to get faster but that turned out to not be the case for me. But it can really vary from person to person. Back in those days my 3 runs/week each had a specific purpose – so 2 were hill or tempo or something like that and the 3rd was my long run. These days I am happy to just run period so my expectations have really changed but hopefully some day I’ll be back in a stage of life where I can really train for something!!

  • Reply Grateful Kae June 7, 2021 at 4:19 pm

    I haven’t made a summer fun list, but I might. I like your approach to keep it pretty simple and light. I did a holiday fun list “12 days of Christmas” challenge where I listed some little thing to do each day leading up to the holiday (easy/quick things) and it was really fun! I hadn’t really tried that before. I might try to do something similar for summer, but obviously not for every single day. That might be a bit much. ha. I also don’t want to feel like I’m failing if I don’t check off a bunch of random “fun items” during the summer. 🙂 Side note on re-emerging travel- did you ever get to go see your baby niece?? I thought you were planning to, but maybe I missed that. I hope you did!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger June 7, 2021 at 7:16 pm

      I did back in March 🙂

  • Reply CBS June 8, 2021 at 5:22 am

    I loved this episode, it’s really helpful to think about the work, family, and life planning that can happen in the summer months here. I’ve got lots and lots of writing to do and have joined a daily writing group, which has been super helpful. We haven’t booked any travel, and everything remaining is SO EXPENSIVE and kind of mediocre so I am tempted to hold out for September or October and book a cabin somewhere picturesque. But I’m enjoying being in our new house and seeing the garden come into bloom and exploring our new town. I’ll join you on the decluttering, I feel like for me, it’s less an issue of stuff than storage, so I have a plan for some new shelving in our bedroom, and a murphy bed installation for guest bed. Also need to do a big toy and book cull (did clothes yesterday, 2 big bags to a friend with a son a year younger than mine, what a relief to get those out the door).

  • Reply Charlotte June 9, 2021 at 7:39 pm

    We picked the exact same planners for the upcoming year! Simplified Daily and EC 7×9 hourly. I’ve told myself that this is it and I have to use these ones. I can’t just keep buying more like I did the past few years. 🙃

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger June 9, 2021 at 8:09 pm

      Me too! I’ll be honest: i’m more confident about the EC working than the Simplified long term. But we will see!

  • Reply Lauren June 18, 2021 at 12:51 pm

    Will you share your camp spreadsheet template? Pleeeease!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger June 18, 2021 at 12:56 pm


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