Best Laid Plans

BLP Ep 71 Show Notes: Trello, Passion Planner & More with Anandi Raman Creath

December 6, 2021

Anandi is a Pheonix-based software project manager, mother of 2, and a lover of both systems + paper! After many years of digital interactions, I consider her an online friend. We had a really fun discussion about her current digital organizing system on Trello, and then veered off to talk about some of our favorites on paper!

Mentioned in the episode:


I’m not sure she wants me to publicly share her board, but there are columns labeled:


This Week

Take Care of Myself Physically + Mentally

Be a Great Mom, Wife, Daughter + Friend

Educate My Children Well

Have Fun Scrapbooking

Create a Welcoming + Organized Home

Waiting For





Passion Planner Daily

Nuuna Notebooks

I can’t believe there are only a few episodes left until 2022! Currently, I am planning one on wellness planners/journals (JMB Living + Oprah Daily!), one on end-of-year goal setting, and one on my 2022 planner stack + systems. Future topics + guest suggestions welcome!


  • Reply Chelsea December 6, 2021 at 7:49 am

    For the record, Anandi is a truly amazing scrapbooker! She had a small scrapbooking business a few years ago and made lovely baby albums for my older two kids. I’m sure it wasn’t really worth her time, but I absolutely wish she would go back into business again 🙂

    • Reply Anandi RC December 6, 2021 at 12:33 pm

      @Chelsea that is so kind. I loved doing that but when I went back to work it was totally not viable anymore 🙁 Plus I got really behind on my own scrapbooking when I was scrapping for other people! Maybe it will be a good retirement business for me! Hope you all are well, btw!

  • Reply Anandi RC December 6, 2021 at 12:37 pm

    Because I’m a flighty paper planner, I restarted my nuuna Bullet Journal last week and am loving it. I think that is winning for my 2022 system, with the occasional detour to my Passion Planner Daily. (Sometimes I just want a layout to fill out, and not have to construct one.)

    Putting recurring tasks/projects into Trello was the best reason for going digital. I have my 20+ step Weekly Review as a template that I just click to create a new card each week, a similar shorter Monthly Tasks one, and one for my Simple Scrapper creative team responsibilities (I make 2 scrapbook pages for their magazine each month, and have to document and upload them). These templates help ensure I don’t miss any steps and make it clear what I need to do next.

    • Reply Joy December 6, 2021 at 6:32 pm

      That’s a good idea to use it for templates! I have a Trello account that is underused. I’m great at capture, but I really need that configure step that Cal Newport talks about. I just need to figure out how to make Trello work better for me.

      Thanks for the great conversation.

    • Reply Julie Sprigg December 10, 2021 at 12:31 am

      I loved listening to this discussion, I’m always seeking ways to use Trello more efficiently. At my work we use Kanban in Microsoft Teams and I use Trello for home life. I have set up my categories with a hybrid of life goal areas (eg Xmas, Summer, Life admin/finances, Health, decluttering, Things to remember) plus the Kanban approach of time horizons. I drag tasks from each of life goal area columns into my time horizons column when I do weekly and monthly reviews. ( eg This week, Later, 2022).

      I haven’t worked out how to do templates and recurring tasks in Trello yet. Anandi where did you find out this information please? And/or Sarah, can we have a follow-up podcast to talk about this please! 🙂

      • Reply Anandi RC December 11, 2021 at 10:31 pm

        @Julie – I don’t have automatic recurring tasks – I just have templates I use to manually create cards for my Weekly Review and Monthly tasks, etc. I just keep them in a column called ‘Templates’ on my board and grab one when I need it. I suspect there’s a way to use the automation to automatically create one at an interval but it probably requires the paid subscription.

  • Reply Alison December 7, 2021 at 7:39 am

    What was the Korean planner brand you mentioned?

  • Reply Nicole July 21, 2022 at 12:14 pm

    Really loved this episode (and so many others)–this podcast has me so inspired to try to get to a better planning system for some upcoming major life changes and while I’m not a huge digital planning person, I do like the idea of not having to transfer to-dos week to week when I don’t get things done….will check out Trello! Any places where there are nice examples of Trello boards? (Totally get Anandi wanting to keep hers private!) Thanks Sarah, really appreciate you!

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