
Weekly Workout Report

May 14, 2023


M: Easy run in San Diego with my friend D (I had done 18 the day prior and my legs felt pretty done for!) – 4.46 mi, 10:13/mi, delightful mid-50s temps

T: 6 mi with 12 x 30s at 5K pace (2 min recovery between). Something like 86F and humid, done at 3pm at home post red-eye flight. Felt . . . brutal, especially after all of those San Diego runs! 9:56/mi

W: 7 mi total treadmill hills: 3 mi warmup outside, then 4 mi on treadmill with 6 x 2 min hill repeats at 4-6% incline, 2 min jog between each. Warmup at 10:05/mi, hills were at 6mph on treadmill and recovery segments slower. (I am always slower on our treadmill by the way. I’m not sure it’s calibrated right . . . on the console OR my watch). Also did 20 min Peloton core workout.

R: 6.23 mi outside at 11 am (86 degrees again, oops). 10:10/mi.

F: 6 mi easy in the morning (thank goodness). 74F felt downright comfortable. 10:18/mi. 20 min strength for runners.

S: 16 mi with 5 easy / 6 marathon pace (splits ranged 8:21 – 8:36/mi) / 5 easy. As discussed yesterday this felt great for the first 3-4 marathon pace miles and more challenging for the last 2, but I was able to hold the pace. 75-78F. Temperatures are not going to drop for many months but I’m glad I have proven to myself I can still run long when it is hot!

S: Planning on 0 miles today (I think my joints need a break!) but hoping for some relaxing yoga maybe with Annabel.

Happy Mother’s Day

. . . if that applies to you! And thinking of anyone for whom this day is a less joyous one.

My kids nailed it, gift-wise:

Lululemon running outfit, a rock necklace (C picked this out!!), and a special edition Moleskin that Annabel saw me ogling in DC. Also holding a tray C had crafted in school. Literally NAILED IT!!

(Ignore my hair etc . . . I had just woken up because they let me sleep until 8!)


  • Reply Grateful Kae May 14, 2023 at 12:11 pm

    Happy Mother’s Day! Love the orange shorts. I’m so jealous of the 8 am wake up. I had to get up at 5:30 today to leave by 6 for an 8 a.m. soccer tournament game with A a couple hours north of us. 😴😴😴😴 I would have made my husband go, but he had to head south with E for a different game! You sure about this travel soccer thing?? 😜

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger May 14, 2023 at 1:34 pm

      No I’m not, lol! But we are committed now! For a year anyway …

  • Reply Elisabeth May 14, 2023 at 1:43 pm

    What great gifts (gifts are not my love language, but it really makes me feel so loved and known when my kids put time and effort into a gift – they can be so thoughtful and, at this age, actually pick out some REALLY awesome things)!

    I love the colour of those shorts.

  • Reply Chelsea May 14, 2023 at 3:28 pm

    Happy Mother’s Day :).

  • Reply Lori C May 15, 2023 at 6:58 am

    Happy mother’s day! GREAT gifts! Outfit is cute and fits perfect!

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