
~1 month into school report:

September 18, 2024

Getting Used to Things

Stressful and unexpected *#$@$ aside, this year has taken some getting used to. However, I do feel like in general our transition to two schools (vs one for all 3 kids) and later activities (kids finishing at 8:45 most nights per week!) has gone relatively well.

Josh picked up A from gymnastics last night at 8:45 while I heated up her dinner and I think we were all still going to bed by around 9:30. I wasn’t sure that kind of quick turnaround would be possible, but so far it has gone better than expected. I have also figured out where its makes sense to do a shorter run (Wednesday mornings); just because I don’t have time to get in 8 miles doesn’t mean I don’t have time to run at all.

(WORSE than expected has been the morning drive; two separate drop-offs means the whole drive takes about ~70 minutes from our house to my office at work — I know it could be worse, but still it’s rather long. Our solution has been to share the load on most of my clinic days – Monday and Friday we each do one drop-off.)

We are also in the sweet spot of the year where the kids are still feeling pretty excited about their activities. A won a leotard yesterday in “gymnastics bingo” (complete a row of skills on a card, get a prize!). G actually seems to be having fun practicing piano (still with me, but cultivating this independence is a work in progress). C looks forward to soccer games. I’m not saying they always express disdain for their activities by April, but they definitely had different attitudes many months into things last year. I guess this means they got enough of a break and the fresh start feels good.

In other news

Little annoying things keep piling on top of the bigger annoying thing and I suppose WHEN IT RAINS IT POURS or something like that. Every day I wake up and try to have the best day I can under the circumstances and I think that’s going to be my playbook for a while.


  • Reply Suzanne September 18, 2024 at 1:46 pm

    Yay for kids enjoying their activities! I know the exact feeling of when the enthusiasm for music lessons/sports wanes. My daughter begins learning a new instrument this week and I’m hopeful she’ll love it, but also girding myself against future evenings spent cajoling her to practice.

    I hope you get some relief from your metaphorical downpour soon — that’s such an awful feeling.

  • Reply coco September 18, 2024 at 5:14 pm

    sounds brutal to finish activities at 8:45pm. I feel bad when Sofia gets home 6:30pm. But as long as they are happy, healthy, all we can do as parents is to support them.
    70 min drive sounds long indeed. I haven’t drive for 7 years and really appreciate husband doing all the drops and picks up, spending hours driving everyday.

  • Reply Nicole Vinson September 19, 2024 at 6:24 am

    Just keep swimming SHU! I am in a season of stress in my own life that I think has an expiration date of somewhere in November but it is hard for me to think this is just temporary right. The mountain I am climbing based on a construction project at our home and court deadlines for a big case at work so I did something new to help me- I added something on my calendar for me (and me alone) that helped. I sat at a very spa like med spa my bestie owns and had a wellness IV. A large bag of fluids might have been just what my mental health needed. For one, I had to sit still and I think I did a decent job relaxing for 35-40 minutes. This was shorter than a massage or facial and I think it helped. I am sure I was dehyrated from not pausing and my body tends to get sick after a long push project because I will wear myself down. I am giving no medical advice about the actual vitamins but for calming effects, hydration and a mental boost- 5 star review! This is something probably not available for all readers but in Florida you can find many trusted places for an IV boost!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger September 19, 2024 at 8:33 am

      I can totally see how the act of getting it could be just as therapeutic as what is in there!! (Sometimes I think the same thing about other spa treatments, too)

  • Reply jennystancampiano September 19, 2024 at 8:11 am

    Well I’m glad to hear the school and schedule related things are going well at least! Sorry about all the other crap. Your philosophy is a good one- just try to have the best day you can under the circumstances. I mean- what else can you do? I hope it all gets resolved soon.

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