Browsing Tag

bayshore marathon

  • Bayshore Marathon: Race Report!

    Long Journey: Many readers know I’ve had “qualify for Boston marathon” on some sort of life list for many years now. Interestingly, that target has gotten more difficult in some ways as I’ve approached…

    May 26, 2024
  • Fitness

    1 Week to Go + Prerace Analysis

    Last Week of Training: This week the SoFlo heat arrived in full force with its BFF, humidity. It felt miserable + I was kind of over running this week, to be honest, and if…

    May 18, 2024
  • Fitness

    3 Weeks to Go!

    20 days, if we are being exact! I missed recording last week’s training, but it was similar to this one – 70 miles with a 20-miler and a midweek workout with miles just a…

    May 5, 2024