so i may have mentioned a couple of posts ago about how i was going to miami this weekend. great timing, right? oh, hurricane frances — what a wimpy name for a hurricane — why?? fortunately, american airlines is going to give us a voucher to use later, so we’ll get to go eventually (josh is from miami, remember, so it’s not like we haven’t been there before).
i can’t complain that much (or at all), because i would much rather miss a trip to florida than be trapped in florida waiting for a hurricane to arrive. i’m a little squeamish when it comes to weather that i’m not used to. . . actually, weather in general. this includes:
– hurricanes
– tornadoes
– earthquakes (i did once experience one of these – in williamstown! – it was a pretty weak one. it woke me up, though!)
– thunderstorms.
while we’re on the subject, i also don’t like dogs (sorry) and i hate mold. maybe i need to see a therapist. but i know their tricks. they would either want to have me FLOODED (ie, bring me to kansas during a tornado and throw me into a mold-covered cage with 10 rottweilers) or systematically desensitized (ok, visualize a cloud . . . now pet this puppet that looks like a puppy . . . and now let’s go to the moldy tornado rottweiler cage).
no thanks. i prefer to live in fear.
you know, now that i put it all down on paper, i’m starting to feel a little neurotic.
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daily list of accomplishments (very short)
1. washed 3 loads laundry, in preparation for miami trip which will not be occurring
2. read 1 scientific article
3. opened lippincott’s biochemistry (but closed it. it was scary! will actually start to read it tomorrow)
4. cleaned out closet. this was today’s largest accomplishment, i would say. my clothes are now neatly organized by type and season. tragically, i was faced with the news that either most of my clothes from before my clerkship year have shrunk, or i have, well, expanded. this discovery fueled #5 and #6
5. began healthy eating campaign. i made shrimp with vegetables and whole wheat couscous. cooking and eating in is better for my bank statement and my ass. seriously, though. i am 5’1″. 5 lbs makes a bigger difference than you would think. and i need to be able to wear what’s in my own closet.
6. went to undergrad gym. so many freaking IPODS. actually, it’s like a negative status symbol around here. i overheard a senior girl saying she doesn’t like to wear hers on campus anymore because it makes her look like a (spoken as if the word were a bug she accidentally swallowed and had to spit out) freshman. i still want one, though. i wouldn’t care if it made me look like i was in nursery school.
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