at peace

August 16, 2005

i’m home, for a few days, anyway. 3 crazy weekends down, 2 to go.

things going through my head right now:

1. hooray for having my car back!

2. though very sucky that i am $900 poorer

3. i want to go shopping anyway, though. i really need a pair of fabulous boots this season, and i am not wimping out like i always do.

4. there is so much more laundry to do.

5. why does my data look so confusing? why can’t science just make sense?

6. i can’t wait for my girly reunion thingy this weekend!

7. but i feel bad about going away so damn much

8. i should probably go set up for the gel i’m going to run today

9. hmm, could i register for boots? could do it as a joke and maybe someone would fall for it. wait, no.

10. i really need to stay more focused at work.


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