why is it that there are weeks where everything seems doable, even enjoyable, and that there are weeks (like this one) where everything seems (and therefore is) impossible?
i’m tired. i spent last week in hypermode, getting up early, getting things done. maybe i’m suffering the consequences. i’m having *this* sort of conversation in my head:
inner voice 1: get UP, bitch! stop your whining! you can do this — your schedule is perfectly reasonable.
inner voice 2: but i don’t want to. and i’m tired. maybe working full time in lab, teaching kaplan, training for marathons, and maintaining some semblence of order in the house is just an impossible dream . . .?
1: but residents work EIGHTY hours a week. look at michelle, for god’s sake. you don’t see her complaining —
2: what the hell? she’s been whining nonstop ever since she had that kid. why she thought it was a good time to have one in the first place, i don’t know —
1: hello, there IS no good time. you try waiting until your ovaries dry up and rot, and see where you’ll be. besides, you don’t HAVE a kid.
2: not yet.
1: thank god.
2: which side was i on again?
1: i forget. you know, a nap sounds really good right now. you in?
2: hell yeah. let’s do it.
life would be much better if every month should had one week of mandatory vacation. i would use mine right now.