what a terrible post title. oh well. i’m too lazy even to fix it.
i start ‘4th year’ of medical school in less than 2 weeks. i suppose it’s really my fifth, but who’s counting? i am supposed to be reviewing and frantically prepping to go back to the wards (actually . . . outpatient medicine specialty clinics), but i am finding myself in a state of apathetic anxiety, or anxious apathy, and i have so far done nothing.
but: it’s all about to change. i think.
today i will aim to:
1. finish with the laundry already
2. clean the bathrooms
3. organize my finances — josh and i are about to start some newfangled form of budget living. what, like eating out 3 times a week is supposed to be indulgent or something? and when i charge it to the nordstrom card, does it have to count as actually spending anything?*
4. contact remaining physicians about filling up my schedule for the upcoming rotation
5. begin to figure out how to go about officially changing my name, which i am hyphenating, mostly because i just like how it looks and sounds that way
6. finish remaining thank you cards (fortunately, there are only 2 left!)
* we’re not that bad. only sometimes.
in other news, i did my first track workout yesterday, though very reluctantly. josh has decided that he is going to coach me to become some sort of speed demon (molding in his own image, i guess). however, after just two sets of 2 x 200m + 1 x 400m i insisted that my post-honeymoon body was unready for those kinds of challenges. even though in a way i kind of liked it, i could tell that i need a few weeks of solid, steady running first. the only thing is that my stupid achilles tendon is sort of bothering me and i’m nervous that maybe i’m just BROKEN and OVER THE HILL and that i will NEVER REALLY RUN AGAIN. is this what happens when you’re married?