on friday, i got my hair cut. just a trim, really. i can never do ANYTHING fun with my hair because i am blessed with hair from some other planet. this hair does not obey any of the usual tools used to whip it into submission, other than the wonderful flatiron, and i’m not willing to waste hours of my life straightening it just so i can splash bodily fluids on it at the hospital or throw it up in a ponytail to go for a run.
it was straight and smooth when i left the salon and probably won’t look that way until i go back for another trim, probably in 4-5 months because i usually forget about hair upkeep until it begins to form knots in its dead ends.
anyway. while i was at the salon, the girl who cuts my hairs started talking about straightening methods. apparently, my place is starting to offer thermal reconditioning, which is a no-fail way to make the unruliest hair perfectly straight and well-behaved. unfortunately, it costs $100. per hour. and my hair would apprently take “4 to 5”.
someday, when i am a successful Career Woman, i will get this done. but i will probably have gray hair by the time i can afford it. it’s not fair.
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