so i’m back on heme/onc. there was a vacation tucked in there somewhere*, but it is already a distant memory. actually, that’s not entirely true — i still feel way less tired than i know i’m going to feel in just a few short weeks of every-4th-night call. i will admit that doing this heme/onc thing for the second time is a bit easier. it’s fun to feel like i sort of know what i’m doing for once! and currently, i’m enjoying a nearly-full-fledged weekend, as i had to go in and round yesterday but left at noon and i am completely off today.
plans for today
• 20 mile run!
• lie around and recover while eating leftover sausage/tomato/feta pizza from last night
• laundry (as always)
• some gentle yoga to stretch out tired muscles
• move the LAST bits of furniture and stuff out of our old house
• plan dinners for next week
• grocery shopping @ TJs and maybe supplemented w/ whole foods
• pay bills
• make moroccan chicken for dinner tonight
• finish watching night at the museum
hopefully i can get it all in. about to leave for the 20 mile run now . . . i can’t believe my marathon is just 5 weeks away!
in other news, i just discovered craigslist last night. we had 2 perfectly good but unwanted ikea bookcases and gave them away for free — you cannot even imagine how quicky my inbox was flooded with people who wanted them. we also sold a miter saw (for $25) in like 8 hours. assuming these people actually show up to pick up their stuff, i am a new craigslist convert.
* to miami, which was really nice and relaxing and lovely
1 Comment
Left over pizza is the best recovery food. You are insane woman. Training for a marathon and working all those hours. Or maybe that's what keeps you sane. hmmmmThanks for commenting on my blog.