med sud i eyram vid spilum endalaust

July 16, 2008

i’m not sure if that is icelandic or some fancy made-up tongue (you never know with sigur ros), but i like the title’s translation: with a buzz in our ears we play endlessly. i can’t say what i think of the album yet, because i just bought it and am listening to it now. for some odd reason, i do most of my impulsive on-line shopping (for music, clothes, and more . . . ) between the hours of 5 and 7 am. maybe i wake up full of optimism about my finances, or about what a new outfit might mean for my future.

or maybe i’m just not awake enough before the caffeine fully hits to use any sort of reasonable judgment.

work continues to be interesting and not too taxing. the days go by quickly, and i am continuing to work on my focus and patience as clinic ebbs and flows. today i have my primary care clinic which will add some variety. and, speaking of foreign tongues, it looks like only 33% (2/6) patients this afternoon are likely to be english-speaking. not that i mind, but it definitely is harder as things take more time and i never feel like communication with an interpreter allows for the same kind of doctor-family relationship as a direct conversation. although i guess since it was my own poor decision to take french as a middle and high-schooler, i have no one to blame but myself.


run: 45 minute interval run, 0.5% incline: 10 minute warmup @ 8:57/mi, 5 x (3 minutes @ 7:30/mi, 2 minutes jog recovey), 10 minute cooldown at 8:57/mi. total = 5.2 miles. i love runs like this — the time always seems to go by so quickly. the intervals at that pace felt fairly easy.

reading: ok, now i have 2 days in a row of pure academic delinquency. today i am climbing back on the wagon of um, medical knowledge. i can’t allow myself to get dumber by the day!

cuisine: i made southwestern chili-mac salad with multiple modifications (whole wheat pasta, ground turkey breast rather than beef, less oil & cheese, and NO CILANTRO because i hate that stuff). it was pretty good and there are tons of leftovers despite my approximate halving of the recipe.


  • Reply Jessica March 10, 2019 at 7:30 pm

    Thanks for the kind comment. I tried out the logyourrun, but I have no idea of the mileage of my runs, so it wouldn’t let me log them 🙁 I do use the training log on Runner’s World though, and I’m wondering if I can link somehow. Rachel Ray’s salad looks good! I like watching her 30-minute Meals from time to time.

  • Reply Jenny March 10, 2019 at 7:30 pm

    That is genuine Islandic. It is quite similar to Swedish, so I could figure it out. Sigur Ros are playing here at the Way Out West festival (in my running park!) in August. Have you seen the DVD they made about their tour in Island? Great photage, it made me want to go to Island!

  • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger March 10, 2019 at 7:30 pm

    jessica: logyourrun is driving me a little crazy too because it messes up my sidebar when loaded on certain computers (it looks completely normal on my mac and my husband’s laptop but elsewhere it moves everything down to the bottom!). i don’t know how to fix it, either.

    jenny: OHHHH i would love to see sigur ros!! i have always wanted to go see iceland so i bet that the dvd would make me want to go even more. i will definitely check it out!

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