it’s funny how life just tends to fill the space available for it — it’s like some sort of ever-expanding gaseous substance. or maybe it’s just my tendency to go crazy adding things to my schedule when it starts to look more empty. whatever — all i know is that i am going to have to get more sleep. 7 hours is just not going to cut it.
the month looks like it will be a manageable but busy one. i got my schedule yesterday and it is pretty jam-packed . . . but very low-stress. i think this rotation will be a bit like a flashback to medical school, ie time for me to just learn and observe and not be so . . . needed for anything, really. while i generally like to feel useful, i’m sort of excited for the temporary shift.
ok, off to the gym! i am loving the reinstatement of AM workouts.
workout: 5 miles total — 4 miles easy @ 9:13/mi and then 6 x 100m strides. my legs were really feeling tired and sore this AM (running 5 days in a row will do that to me!) so i am going to switch around the days and cross-train instead of squeezing out my planned 8-miler.
doin’ time: i made this extremely easy recipe for hoisin salmon and accompanied it with the rather gourmet (but still easy) fennel, orange, and parsley salad. it was a genius pair, if i do say so myself (and i do).
reading: chapters 1 – 3 in parker’s developmental and behavioral pediatrics. we are supposed to finish this whole book throughout the month, so get ready to see a chunk of it mentioned on here each day.
floss report: yep.