
January 30, 2009

bonne matin!
today was the first day in forever that i woke up without a struggle. YEAH! i think my fatigue from earlier in the week was just because i’m still recovering from the trauma/unnatural schedule of the previous month. with consistent (nightly!) sleep, i expect things will start to feel easier from here on out.

i blew off my 8 mile run yesterday, because i just wasn’t feeling it, but i’m ready to go this morning. to be honest, my plan for 2 8 milers and a 12 this week may have been a bit too ambitious for this early in my plan — perhaps my slacking is actually me knowing what is just going to get me injured.

anyway, i’m off to run! i’m really looking forward to a relaxed, catch-up kind of weekend. anyone have anything fun planned?

whether it’s lostandallalone or ghost world, i am not a huge fan of the name of this blog! i’m certainly not all alone (and never would have made it this far that way), and both titles were just in reference to the sad little town i was forced to stay at back in 2004 for an away rotation. i’m starting to think that i may actually want to move and rename the site, but there seems like so much work involved — changing the BlogHer stuff, for one, seems like it could be a major headache. also, the last thing i want to do is lose readers — but i feel like with a better, more descriptive name, i might get more traffic.

thoughts? ideas? suggestions?

i’m going to this brazilian steakhouse for dinner tonight with a bunch of residents and one of my favorite attendings. while i’m excited for the time to hang out and relax, i’m not exactly big on the meat-fest. i LIKE meat, but really i enjoy it in small doses, not mass quantities. i’m thinking of wimping out and going for the non-meat option vs. paying for the meat but just not overdosing on it (like everyone else at the table is probably going to do)! we’ll see . . .



workout: none! i know, i’m a slacker.

reading: chapters 8 – 12 in developmental and behavioral pediatrics

culinary confession: i was supposed to make grilled chicken but instead had a slice of papa john’s (mushroom!) and TCBY for dinner. and it was GOOD.

floss report: check!

1 Comment

  • Reply atilla March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    the name should reflect the content …medicine, eating,exercising

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