
February 18, 2009

thank you all so much for speaking up yesterday! it’s lovely to know more about you than just your locations and IP addresses. by the way, hawaii and new zealand readers, you wouldn’t mind if i just stopped by for a visit some time, right? map showing the most recent 100 visitors, or something like that

seriously, i was overwhelmed with excitement about the comment-fest yesterday! since 19 comments is definitely an all-time record on this site, i want to acknowledge your efforts with more than just a reply in the comment box. so here goes!

caitlin: hi! i forgot that you do most (or all?) of your running outside! going to the gym does have the advantage of being safer in early hours, so for me it works. i know that not everyone loves treadmill running, though! as for 5 AM — i guess i’m just used to it! during my ICU months, i typically get up at 4. compared to that, 5 seems quite reasonable.

d10: i am so excited for our run! i am just hoping i won’t slow you down TOO much . . .

cottchz: i go to this women’s only gym and i really like it. it’s convenient, typically has little or no wait for equipment (and no treadmill time limit!), and is clean and nice inside. it is on the pricier side, but worth it to me since i spend a decent chunk of my life there!

courtney: oh wow, so you and your husband are just like us! are you considering pediatrics at all? good luck with the running — i feel like it definitely gets easier once you are up to 3 miles.

michelle: oops, i didn’t think about time zones! what, everyone doesn’t live on the east coast? just kidding. good luck with your AM goals — as you can see i am definitely running late this morning! sadly, i am not able to always live the morning workout lifestyle, depending on my schedule and what kind of rotation i am on, but i do enjoy it on months that i can.

kim: hi and thanks for speaking up! i am going to be a resident for another 1.5 years (until july of 2010). then, i’ll transition to pediatric endocrine fellowship (same hospital) for yet another 3 (finishing july of 2013)! it’s so weird to have my life planned that far in advance, but i guess that’s just how it works in medical training.

mckenna: i’m so excited to have a williams reader! i wish i had discovered long distance running while in college but back then i thought the gale loop was enough of a challenge! i did go straight to medical school from williams (graduated in ’02) but then took one extra year in medical school because i was originally an md/phd (yep, i’m a dropout). if you are looking at duke (fine, or UNC) at all then definitely let me know!!

liz23: ahh, so you’re that dot on hawaii on the map! i’m very jealous. we went there (maui + big island) for our honeymoon and i really, really, REALLY want to go back.

jon: ha! i totally lost track of your blog with my transition to google reader, but i just added it back to my list! if you like the pictures, i highly recommend trying some of them — a lot of the great food fast ones really are super-easy!

heather: actually my schedule is not crazy at all this month! when it is crazy (ie, PICU, NICU, wards), unfortunately the morning runs really aren’t possible because i have to get there too early. i think the contrast is what makes it doable the other times!

arianna: hi! going back to medical school after a few years off is how josh did it! he spent several years in teaching and then computer science first, and i know he doesn’t regret having that wider perspective. i’m glad that you see all of my whining as ‘an honest perspective’ rather than just purely annoying — it really does get hard sometimes and this blog is one place that i vent.

denise: oh we miss you two so much as well! come visit ANY time — you know you want to revisit all of your old favorite durham restaurants 🙂 too bad starlu’s hot dog night no longer exists (actually, neither does starlu) . . .

jess: sometimes i don’t mind after work running, but when there’s opportunity to get it done early i’d rather have it that way! also, your blog is very cute for a non-artist.

aron: thanks for stopping by! you are right — i need to comment more on the blogs i read. it’s more fun that way, anyway!

lisadonion: i’m glad you like the mix-up and the text-heavy format. something for everyone, right? and don’t worry about over-editing — most bloggers love any comment, no matter how short.

kath: if only i had the photography talents to make my pictures as luscious and pretty as yours!

lori: actually, i’ve done that a bit — although it’s ‘sharing’, not stealing, right? when i guest-posted on kath’s blog (the talented photographer / food blogger above), my readership triples . . . at least for a day!

atilla: i know, i was amazed!

doctorsquared: wow, 7 years!! and yet i feel like i know you well though our blog communications! i can’t WAIT for you to come here to interview! i am going to have to try to lure you to stay 🙂

WHEW! that was serious. and i’m late for the gym, considering that i have a 10 mile run planned! again, thank you all for sharing and posting — it seriously made my day yesterday.



workout: 5 miles easy (8:57/mi, 0.5% incline) with (yes) us weekly

doin’ time: i had been putting off this black bean cake recipe forever, because my luck with making patties/cakes/etc is not great. things fall apart, burn, and generally turn out looking like a mess because i lack the patience and delicacy to turn out pretty little edible disks. luckily, this recipe went a bit better than usual! it also made A LOT (serves 4 — what, 4 llamas?? 4 elephants??), so we are stocked in the leftover department for many meals to come. served with lime sour cream (actually, lime sour cream/yogurt mixed to lighten things up a bit), baked blue corn chips, and broccoli.

close-up to show patty texture:

reading: none. oops! i’m getting back on the wagon today.


  • Reply da March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    I hereby vow to start posting comments more often! L, da

  • Reply Anonymous March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    Believe me, I won’t slow you down. I’ll probably be the one trying to keep up.

  • Reply Anonymous March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    Hi! I missed yesterday’s post but wanted to let you know I am reading too. Second year med student and marathon runner in NYC here. I love hearing about your life as a resident!

  • Reply Jess March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    Haha my cakes/patties/etc. always fall apart too, although I only have myself to blame. I should measure accurately instead of just mashing a bunch of stuff together.

  • Reply HangryPants March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    The black bean cakes look great!

  • Reply Anonymous March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    I forgot to tell you that I read! But I think you knew that anyway.

  • Reply atilla March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    hope aaron reads your blog, the black bean cakes look like they’d be a great served appetizer

  • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    jenny: hi jenny! are you training for any races now?

    jess: i didn’t really measure with last night’s martha recipe, but it was pretty foolproof (ie, 2 cans black beans, 1 sweet potato, 1 egg). i did measure the breadcrumbs.

    heather; thank you!

    courtney: peds ED is a great lifestyle and easy to make part time if you wanted to. or, if you like kids and procedures (and time!), maybe peds anesthesia would be a good choice for you! also, i’m right there with you about the baby bug. it’s hard especially when you’re surrounded by them all day!

    cindy and lee: hello devoted readers! of course you two know i read yours as well!

    atilla: i don’t know if he does, but yes that’s true! super-cheap ingredients, too.

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