ready for it

February 16, 2009

today is sort of a big week, but i feel ready for it. it’s the LAST week of this behavior and development rotation (HOW did that go so fast??) and as i’ve mentioned a few times before, i’ve been preparing for a presentation. yes, even in residency there is often ‘homework’! this presentation is a rather large-scale one called chair’s conference. it’s given in a big auditorium with a microphone and lots of different attendings are present.

luckily, i won’t be the only one in the spotlight — instead, it’s sort of a back and forth banter, where i go through a case and as the story unfolds, various attendings are called upon from the audience to give official opinions and say smart things. at the end, yet another attending comes up and gives an informational presentation on the diagnosis that (hopefully!) the audience figured out by the end of the case.

anyway, so it’s big. and in general, these things tend to stress me out to the point where they basically ruin the days leading up to them. but i’m proud to say that for once i am feeling semi on top of things! my slides are long since done, i’ve been adding things on a bit at a time, and i’m actually sort of excited to stand up in front of everyone and present the case, as it is totally up my alley (endocrine-related, of course!).

aaaaaaand i’m off to hit the gym for an AM cross-training session!



workout: as mentioned in my addendum post, yesterday’s long run was 13 mi at 8:47/mi average pace on a flat paved trail.

training week in review: 38 miles, 1 strength training session. while i felt like a huge slacker all week, the numbers aren’t so bad! i definitely need to get back on the strength + yoga, though.

reading: 45 minutes spent working on slides for the presentation.


  • Reply HangryPants March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    Good luck with your presentation prep.

    Uh oh – wasn’t nail biting one of our new year’s resolutions!

  • Reply michelle March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    how do you manage to get up early to work out? I always have the habit of sleeping as late as I can (until i have to get ready for work) despite the workout ambitions I have the night before.

  • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    hangry: no, actually of all my resolutions it wasn’t one of them! but maybe it should have been!

    D10: i commented on your blog — let’s definitely plan on running sunday!

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