detox day!

June 20, 2009

after a week of messy, haphazard, and frenzied, i am ready to make tomorrow an official detox day!!

no, i’m not talking about some crazy colon-cleansing regimen (though those juices do look pretty!). instead, tomorrow will be about much simpler things, such as:

making our apartment liveable again!
subsisting off of better fuel than pita chips, beer, and ice cream
RUNNING after a 4-day hiatus
resetting myself with some yoga & relaxation time

it may not be super-exciting, but i’m really looking forward to it! HOORAY for my first real day off in 4 week!

alert the authorities! i actually went out tonight and stayed awake until (drumroll, please . . .) 11 pm! the lovely undercover blog reader lucy can attest to this, as she was there as witness. a bunch of us went out, drank beer, heard some good music, and celebrated another resident’s birthday. there were nurses and doctors in our group — something that doesn’t happen nearly enough! — and i definitely had fun.

unfortunately, josh was in the OR. next time hopefully he can join in on the action. i missed him!

1 Comment

  • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    seriously, i wish it happened more! i really like a lot of our peds nurses.

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