green interns & blue babies

June 30, 2009

rapid response
as we headed out of the hospital yesterday, i told one of my team’s interns: “at least you will never have to do your first day again!” emotions ran high throughout the hospital yesterday — you could just feel it. and while our team is TINY, there was still enough drama to make the day a relatively stressful one.

we had an incident at the end of the day where a transfer we had just received from the cardiac intensive care unit started to look not-so-hot: sats in the 50s-60s, increased oxygen requirement, retractions, and an aura of overall punkiness that i didn’t like. so, i listened to my instincts and called a rapid response.

for those lucky enough not to know what that is, a rapid response alerts the ICU team that one of the floor (or stepdown) patients is in trouble. our intensive care NPs and fellows sometimes like to say that this is the ONLY way to get them to evaluate your patient. when i called them over, it wasn’t that i felt nervous or didn’t know what to do — actually, i am happy (and somewhat amazed) to say that i was quite comfortable handling the situation. i just wasn’t sure my patient belonged out in stepdown anymore. he didn’t look like the same baby i had accepted onto my team just hours prior.

their response? they knew him well, since he had just been transferred, and basically said, “yeah, he does that.” meaning: he desats, retracts, and looks like (*#&$@ when he gets agitated. well, great! thanks! but . . . why didn’t anyone tell me that when he was signed out to me!??

anyway. a trying end to a long day. while the rotation i am moving onto may be worse in terms of hours (and ugh, call), i have to say i’m glad to be done with the cardiology team. last day is today!

ask and you shall receive!
i am not shy about my slightly over-the-top love for nice stationery. so when i saw on this stationery-themed blog (what? i told you i am obsessed!) that the writer was sent samples from exaclair, my interest was piqued. if food bloggers can get yogurt packed in dry ice shipped to their doorsteps, surely this paper-phile could get some notebooks to try!
exaclair owns so many of my favorite brands: rhodia, quo vadis, clairefontaine, and exacompta, all shown above

sure enough, my inquiry was answered (very promptly and nicely, i might add) and i will be getting some samples to review and show off on this site! seriously, i almost cannot contain myself i am so excited. hooray!



workout: ~5 mi interval run, ave 8:42/mi
warmup, 1.14 mi @ average 9:13/mi
1000m @ average 7:53/mi (recovery 400m @ 9:13/mi)
1000m @ average 7:30/mi (recovery 400m @ 10:00/mi)
1000m @ average 8:07/mi (recovery 400m @ 10:46/mi) (this segment was uphill)
1000m @ average 7:41/mi
recovery/cooldown 0.67 mi, average @ 9:44/mi

josh went with me and made me run faster than i wanted to, which was not ideal. he says he wants to train me, but i’m not completely sure i want to be trained. i want to get faster, i suppose, but i don’t really like pain on my morning runs. so we’ll see!

doin’ time is back! last night i made steak with parsley sauce & sauteed mushrooms, salad with parmesan crisps, and parmesan potato wedges. it was the perfect hearty meal to end a rather epic day.

reading: 20 minutes from the latest pediatrics on sinusitis treatment.


  • Reply Susan March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    How do bloggers get free stuff?? Just ask to review it? I love free stuff! haha.

    Apparently our rapid response team likes to get angry if they are called for no good reason. However, we&#39re told "It&#39s never wrong to call a rapid response." Much better than calling a code!

  • Reply Jess March 10, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    That is so cool that you&#39re getting stationary!

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