battle of the inner psyche
graphic from . . . ahhh psych 101!
ego: ahh, it’s great to get out of work at 5:30! now what?
id: duh, now we lie around and do nothing.
superego: are you kidding me? there are groceries to shop for, yoga practice to do, and reading to be completed! there is not time to lie around right now. lazy-ass.
id: [pouting] but we never get to lie around. it’s not fair! also, i want pizza.
ego: well, pizza is part of tonight’s plan. but then, groceries + reading + yoga! then bed. at least that’s what you were saying this morning.
id: like you’re going to trust that flaky morning psyche? HA! she couldn’t even get you out of bed to run! some boot camp that was!
ego: yeah, but josh and i ran after work instead and it was great. maybe the idealistic morning voice has a point.
superego: see? then it’s settled. pizza — but not too MUCH pizza — and then alllll that other stuff. come on, you can make a list!
id: you made us write lists all DAY at work. and it sucked! now, time for pizza, and also ice cream! and then you can watch weeds in bed. god, i love that show. and you so deserve it for slogging through that run.
superego: bed!?? but how will you be prepared to teach your med students in the morning??
id: ehh, make something up. they’ll never know!
ego: um, how about if i wake up and cram tomorrow?
id: now you’re talking!
ego: and i can grocery shop after work tomorrow, right?
superego: oh god, i know where this always leads. why don’t you listen!??
id: i want reese’s peanut butter cups on that ice cream.
ego: TCBY. but okay.
superego: you’ll be sorry! and i’ll be baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
workout: rest day
doin’ time: out @ a barbeque! fun, but i know martha misses me.
reading: 20 minutes on single-ventricle physiology
love it!!
So funny! And yet, strikingly very familiar… 🙂
You may have a career as a playwright.
Haha cute post!
My id always wins. Oh well.
siobhan: we love weeds. not quite as much as 6 feet under, but it's growing on me. and thanks for the permission — i've decided to just embrace the id this week and i appreciate the encouragement!
kath and sarah: thank you!
lee: well, mine is winning right now.