21 days

July 13, 2009

the breakdown: AM pep talk
yes, 21 days is the number of days that it takes to make or break a habit (such as, for example, the habit of complaining). it also happens to be the number of days left in my ward month! it feels like i have been on the wards forever, but a quick glance at my schedule reveals (somewhat disappointingly) that it has only been 1.5 weeks, with 3 more to go! because this current rotation is a 4.5-week block and because it happened to come back-to-back with nights/cardiology (which seems forever-ago already . . . ), it definitely feels longer.

luckily i know it will go fast. any time there is call involved, weeks seem to slide by because 2 days are compressed into 1 every time a call night happens, and BAM — the week is over.

the breakdown of what’s left
5 call nights
5 post-call days
3 days off
2 clinic days
1 weekend day
5 regular days

there, that looks a bit more manageable, doesn’t it? while i think it helps to see it this way, i will aim to take things one day at a time. after this, my next (and LAST EVER) month of true overnight call isn’t until may of 2010, which basically sounds like light-years from now.

things to look forward to
dangling a few carrots never hurts, right? here are some things i am looking forward to in both the near and more distant futures:

♥ racing a 5K at the end of the summer
♥ trip to boston for the blogger summit
♥ trip to maine for aimee‘s wedding
♥ 3 months without call!
♥ furniture shopping/apartment therapy (planned for our vacation)
♥ having my team/josh’s team over for a mexican fiesta
♥ eating more local yogurt
♥ seeing the hangover, bruno, food inc, and more
orla and exaclair loot headed my way
♥ (free!) 1 hr massage on friday, my day off this week
♥ seeing myself in the next issue of women’s running magazine
♥ this morning’s run!

. . . which, speaking of, i need to begin momentarily.

happy new week! (like the new year, only . . . more frequent, and with less champagne involved.)


  • Reply da March 10, 2019 at 7:28 pm

    Hmmm, Bruno and Food, Inc.–sounds like fare for the movie omnivore. Seeing HP6 on Thursday, wish Josh could join me!
    L, da

  • Reply Anonymous March 10, 2019 at 7:28 pm

    You certainly have lots of fun stuff to look forward too! Furniture shopping sounds fun.

  • Reply Jess March 10, 2019 at 7:28 pm

    Lots to look forward to. Hooray!

  • Reply HangryPants March 10, 2019 at 7:28 pm

    You could definitely rock that dress!

    I don&#39t think I&#39ve seen that magazine, but I will check Barnes & Noble when you tell me it comes out.

  • Reply atilla March 10, 2019 at 7:28 pm

    I had negative vibes about your countdowns and then I remembered that after my second year you could stop me any time and ask how many hours of residency were left and I could give the right answer ( but who&#39s counting?)

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