a reading list

November 14, 2009

you guys are awesome!
thank you all for your book recommendations on yesterday’s post! i am also comforted by the fact that i was not the only BSC junkie in my day. i may have been the only one who would try to ‘play along’ with the gymnasts books, stopping after each chapter to try to reenact the workouts that i had read about in my room (using the bed as my springboard, of course). but still.

just in case anyone is interested, here is a list of all of your recommendations!

the namesake by jhumpa lahiri. LOVED the movie!
unaccustomed earth by jhumpa lahiri
something for the pain by paul austin
the help by kathryn stockett
gone with the wind by margaret mitchell (i’ve flirted with the idea of re-reading this now that i’ve lived in the south for a while!)
a tree grows in brooklyn by betty smith (i’m probably the only one who never read this!)
marjorie morningstar by herman wouk
the time traveler’s wife by audrey niffenegger (read it! loved it.)
kite runner by khaled hosseini
a thousand splendid suns by khaled hosseini
interpreter of maladies by jhumpa lahiri
middlesex by jeffrey eugenides (one of my favorites ever — a budding peds endocrinologist’s dream book)
labor day by joyce maynard
dance dance dance by haruki murakami (as if i need a push to read more of his work!)
the thirteenth tale by diane setterfield
life of pi by yann martel (read this on a lo-o-ong plane flight once and liked it a lot)
julie and julia by julie powell
anna karenina by leo tolstoy
intuition by allegra goodman
tortilla curtain by tc boyle
city of thieves by david benioff

other recommended authors: kristin hannah, jodie picoult, meg cabot, michael crichton, michael kortya, lee childs

WOW — definitely should keep me in reading material for the next few years at the rate i go! i will put a link to this post on the sidebar under the ‘reading’ graphic (for me to refer to, and for any of you if interested!)

not a weekend
it may be saturday, but there is nothing weekend-like about the next 2 days for me. i will be working 10 am – 10 pm in the ED both days. yes, mildly nauseating to think about from this standpoint, but it will ALL BE WORTH IT when my vacation starts at the end of my shift on friday night! i am starting to get excited about next week.

first, though, there’s today. and i am about to venture out on my first long run in 2 weeks — 13 miles in chapel hill. if i can’t do this run, i think i might have to rethink the whole marathon idea. yesterday, i had a run on what actually felt like my legs for the first time in ages, so i’m hoping that this morning’s jaunt will go well.

fingers crossed . . .

addendum: 13 miles CHECK! average ~8:55/mi pace, and it didn’t feel too horrible! i think i’m back on for my race 🙂

don’t forget: GIVEAWAY!
ever wanted to try the honest foods products seen on blogs much food and health-focused than this one? here’s your chance! you have until november 18 . . .



workout: 5 miles in chapel hill, average 8:54/mi. this was the first run in forever that felt . . . sort of normal!

doin’ time: still on hiatus. slated to restart on monday!

reading: not yet . . .


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