
I’m Still Here!

August 28, 2024

Catching Up

I am still (STILL!) clawing my way back from the vacation / call / back to school trifecta, which seems like it was years ago, though it wasn’t.

I have overdue library books (shame!), a very messy desk (no shame, but I dislike this), and just a lot of lingering life to-dos taunting me, like a plane ticket I haven’t booked for mid-September.

The good news is that my systems work and I *know* what is on my plate.

The bad news is that I am always shocked at how long it takes to recover from a backlog situation like this.

Sleep / School Schedule

On a more positive note, I feel like we are settling into the school rhythm. I have slept a much more normal amount this week, which makes an enormous difference. We also set up a soccer carpool which is fantastic — now we will only be driving (and staying at the field) once WEEKLY! Both players live close so the driving add-on is minimal. Josh drove last night and went running while there! EVERYONE WINS.

(If only we could find something similar for gymnastics, but gymnastics is not quite as bad because it’s a pure drop-off/pickup situation, it is long, and it is under 10 minutes away.)

So in that regard, things are looking up. I am not getting to everything in my ideal week — yesterday I had to take a kid to an appointment and thus strength training fell by the wayside (oops). But that is okay.

last week – ugh!!!

Waiting Game

I’m in the waiting game with some (nonbloggable but don’t worry nothing scary) stuff and trying to stop pondering possible future scenarios and remember that now still counts.

PS: On the theme of Every Day Counting, send some love / healing vibes to Jenny. Being injured SUCKS and it’s the uncertainty that can be the worst part.


  • Reply jennystancampiano August 28, 2024 at 2:37 pm

    AWWW! Thank you. I’ll take all the love and healing vibes I can get!!!
    With all the suggestions about your schedule situation, I don’t know why carpooling didn’t occur to me. It’s the perfect solution! Very glad you have that worked out and are getting more sleep.

  • Reply Sophie August 28, 2024 at 3:49 pm

    Hooray for better sleep! And carpooling!
    It does take SO long to catch up on everything once you get really behind, doesn’t it! I’m in the situation right now (after an intense work period!) and it’s taking weeks to fully catch up (plus my systems are not quite as good as yours)!

  • Reply Lisa’s Yarns August 28, 2024 at 6:49 pm

    Yay for carpooling! And for combining soccer carpool with a run for Josh! That’s a win/win and a great use of that time slot!

    We’ve been kid free this week and it feels like there are sooo many hours in the evening now!! I miss the kids but am enjoying the quiet evenings and uninterrupted sleep (our 3.5yo has been waking up once/night most nights, probably from some sort or sleep regression).

  • Reply Coree August 29, 2024 at 4:48 am

    Phew that carpool must make a world of difference. We had a camp carpool this summer but there was such a gang that only one dad with a big car could actually drive, and we all felt guilty but it was so nice not to have to watch the clock.

    I’m so so behind on personal admin, I’m just going to have to take a day and knock it all out. I am heading off on a weekend trip meeting a grad school friend so am going to use my airport time to make a big list. My husband is away for 10 days in September, my mum is coming so I’ll have some kid help and some extra hands for projects.

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