
January 26, 2010

one night back in the night-shift saddle and i’m already feeling a little . . . rocked. there’s just no way around it: it’s hard to flip your day/night schedule on a dime, and SUPER hard to try to maintain energy and positivity 16 hours into a shift — even if there was a few hours of sleep caught in the interim (lucky me!).

we have just debuted a new “cap” system on our wards — meaning, there is now a LIMIT to the number of admissions you can get if you are ward senior. there is also a brand new TIME LIMIT. this means:

■ after 10 patients get admitted to the general team, all admissions go to me

■ after 4 AM, any and all admissions go to me

■ i get to do all of this internless (bah)

■ these patients get put on the morning’s on-call team at 7 AM, but in the interim they’re mine, all mine . . .

this is in addition to the heme/onc, cardiology, and endocrine coverage + admits. which can be super easy/smooth sailing, or it can be really hard and fill up your night. every call shift is different!

overall, i actually think this new system is a pretty good thing — and i KNOW i will appreciate it if things are still going this way in may when i am ward senior! i also know i would have appreciated it greatly when i was an intern (grumble, grumble, grouse). oh well. even with all of these duties, the ward team ended up with 10 and i got some sleep. AND i got down and dirty helping the other senior with a hard blood draw, which made me feel good.

night or morning?
so now — well, it’s 5:38 pm, i just slept 4 hours, and i don’t have to be at work again until tomorrow at 4:30 in the afternoon. plans for the evening:

☑ get my run on at the gym for an artificial endorphin wakeup call

☑ make dinner: turkey pot pie with brown-rice crust from clean eating magazine plus emily-inspired collards

☑ work on endo homework. one of the attendings is holding a teaching session 3 pm on thursday. i’ll be post-call but if i can snag some sleep again, i might consider going! either way, reading about pituitary disorders is good for me 🙂

☑ to bed late if possible . . . so that i can sleep in. because then the cycle starts all over again.

see, it’s weird. this schedule is weird, and there is no way around it. luckily: it’s only 2 weeks. i’m 14% done already!

bake 4 haiti

tomorrow is auction day for the bake 4 haiti benefit online bake sale! organized by diana, 100% of the donated funds will go to the red cross haitian disaster relief fund.

there are over 50 blogging bakers participating, including me!! i am making a classic SHU family recipe: california fruit bars, which are sweet, nutrient-dense and chewy bars packed with apricots, dates, figs, and walnuts. i would also be happy to customize them with the fruits/nuts of your choosing — cherries or pecans? no problem! it would make me so happy to send these bars off to one of you, so head on over to the auction and check it out!

shubox Q&A fun — last call!
i’ll start answering your questions in categories tomorrow. click here to submit your completely anonymous question — i’ve gotten some great ones on family, work, health/fitness, and the like. none on fashion . . . should i be insulted? (i’m kidding).



workout: yoga class at franklin street yoga! yes, it’s an indulgence to go to these studio yoga sessions, but i figure that once in a while, it’s worth it. elizabeth‘s 9:15 AM class was wonderful — and a serious workout. i’m still sore right now!

lentil variations: not only were emily’s lentils a hit at our dinner party, but they provided copious leftovers. i tried to up the ante and keep the interest in this delicious by doing 2 very easy variations . . .

lentil + sweet potato bibimbap

okay, not really. but anything is better with an egg on top!
indian style: with yogurt + brinjal eggplant relish (YUM)

a creamy/spicy combo that worked + dr. krackers
reading: i don’t think i blogged about it, but i did get my 5/7 days in last week, and monday i hit the books to work on the endo ‘assignment’. sometimes having defined homework really does make it easier!

1 Comment

  • Reply Chelsea March 10, 2019 at 7:26 pm

    It&#39s good that it&#39s only 2 weeks, but on the other hand it seems like as soon as you started getting used to being up all night it&#39ll be time for you to flip back. That&#39s rough.

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