laughing is medicinal

January 12, 2010

adolescence, revisited
you know what? i really like adolescent medicine. this is a good thing, since endocrine has plenty of overlap with that specialty: teenage diabetics, lots of referrals for various menstrual and puberty-related issues, and the like. teens tend to be pretty open with me and i enjoy working with them. i would rather see a full panel of girls with STD symptoms and vague complaints of fatigue than spend a single hour in the PICU.

my goal is to get them to be more like this:


and less like this:


viral video: what’s your favorite?
while i have a soft spot in my heart for pearl the landlady and (of course) bon qui qui, i have a current new fave:

if you have ever worked in an emergency department, you will truly appreciate this one! it gets funnier to me every time. yet: so true . . .

ER doctor: ma’am, that is not a seizure. that is a dance move.

patient: the only thing that helps my pain is some kind of medicine that starts with vick. vicko. vick-o-din.

the ‘allergies list’ is also not to be missed. ENJOY!

one of my favorite healthy/lifestyle bloggers is angela from oh she glows. angela started her own business (an in-home bakery!) and is enjoying much-deserved success on multiple fronts, including her blog (it seems like her posts generate 90-100 comments each — WOAH!).

this week, angela wrote about one of my favorite topics — multitasking! she even referred to a zen habits piece on the subject. i loved reading her tips and action plan, and will try to remember to embrace singletasking throughout the day today.



workout: 35 minutes elliptical + weights
– 2 x 12 pushups
– 2 x 12 squats with ball (10 lb weights)
– 2 x 10 pullups (5 x 50 lb assist, 5 x 60 lb assist each time)
– 2 x 12 walking double lunges (8 lb weights)
– 2 x 10 lateral/forward raises in lunge (6 lb weights)
– 2 x 15 bicycle crunches

culinary corner: leftovers. are. the. best. sometimes, anyway! i had to hit whole foods after work, so it was really nice not having to cook dinner too. calzones to the rescue! after a little microwave defrosting, this crisped up nicely in the oven in just 10 minutes.

delicious with a cup of pacific butternut squash soup
reading: 2 articles on PCOS for a presentation i have to give next week.


  • Reply Anonymous March 10, 2019 at 7:26 pm

    omg that video is HILARIOUS! i worked a shift in the er for one of my classes this semester and there was a patient exactly like this

  • Reply Jessica @ JJsVinBlanc March 10, 2019 at 7:26 pm

    That was hilarious, loved the video (plus sent to Andy).

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